How to set a texture's sound?

How to set a texture's sound?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2011 Dec 31 • 5
I realize that textures also affect the sound produced when a player steps on it. How to set it?
I am map editor!
2012 Jan 14 at 04:45 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
i believe there manually set the sound for you...

Like if you put snow texture you will get snow foot steps .

Dirt , you'll get dirt foot steps ..

so i think there no need to mess around with setting
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Jan 14 at 06:29 UTC
2011 Sep 10 • 24
yes ive always wonder this as well! i make a lot of custom textures and want them to have certain sounds with them when you step on it. i still dont know how but i would think it has to do with the name, if its even possible.
2012 Jan 14 at 08:07 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
im think make a custom sound for the texture , then on top of the texture make a very super duper thin trigger texture ...

then trigger it when you walk on it to make that sound ,

just guessing here,
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Jan 15 at 10:56 UTC

2011 Dec 31 • 5
fedex _ said:
i believe there manually set the sound for you...

Like if you put snow texture you will get snow foot steps .

Dirt , you'll get dirt foot steps ..

so i think there no need to mess around with setting

How to set my texture like that?
I am map editor!
2012 Jan 16 at 07:34 UTC — Ed. 2012 Jan 16 at 07:35 UTC
fedex _

2009 Mar 23 • 910
13 ₧
just apply your custom texture to the ground , then make the trigger when walked on to play your sound
melloyellow582 said:
I post sometimes, to make a point.
2012 Jan 16 at 08:29 UTC

2011 Dec 31 • 5
fedex _ said:
just apply your custom texture to the ground , then make the trigger when walked on to play your sound

does not that will result of MIXED SOUND? Dirt+Tile sound
I am map editor!
2012 Jan 17 at 06:26 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
In the sounds folder there is a File called materials, or something liek that, so u need to set it to play your sound, but if u give some1 the map and they use it, they will just hear the generic footstep shit cuz they dont have it modified

and sorry for my bad spleing
Free Steam Games
2012 Jan 17 at 17:03 UTC

2011 Dec 31 • 5
SRAW said:
In the sounds folder there is a File called materials, or something like that, so u need to set it to play your sound, but if u give some1 the map and they use it, they will just hear the generic footstep shit because they don't have it modified

and sorry for my bad spelling

Corrected, and thanks for giving advice.
I am map editor!
2012 Jan 18 at 07:58 UTC
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