how to give the sound in map...

how to give the sound in map...

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2010 Feb 27 • 57
i m making the map... In that map i want to give the sound on the opening of a particular door ... how to give the sound in such away that i will listen that sound on that particular point(while opening the door)
Guess Who M I??
2010 Mar 28 at 14:57 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Unfortunately, the door itself can't make your custom sound.

You need to use a separate entity called ambient_generic. Then have your door trigger the ambient_generic or have both triggered by a button or something else.

Be warned: ambient_generic has a lot of confusing properties.

Make sure you set the sound file correctly. For example, if your sound file is: .../Counter-Strike/cstrike/sound/bla.wav then you should tell the ambient_generic it is bla.wav, .i.e everything after sound/ in the file path.
2010 Mar 28 at 19:34 UTC — Ed. 2010 Mar 28 at 19:36 UTC
2010 Feb 27 • 57
can u tell me in little bit detail.......
Guess Who M I??
2010 Mar 29 at 13:49 UTC
Page [1]