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2010 February 27
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Planet Jupiter
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Recent posts by antimatter

Recent posts by antimatter

2011 Feb 13 at 13:57 UTC
Problem related to leak in Hammer Mapping
I have compiled the map and a new error has came like....


how to fix this error????
2011 Feb 12 at 14:23 UTC
where i can get them???
2011 Feb 11 at 14:44 UTC
Let me tell you, i m trying to connect de_aztec and cs_assault...

i want to connect them through an elevator.
and i m getting those errors...
2011 Feb 11 at 08:40 UTC
Guys i m trying to connect two standard maps but i m facing one error at the beginning It says like this

"For your information 22 solids were not loaded due to error in the file "

what to do with this .........
plz help...

this is another error

The entity contains keyvalues that are not used in its class. You can fix this error with the Fix button.
2010 Aug 25 at 19:08 UTC
Cyberoam in General
hey guys.. i got a problem with my cyberoam client...
at Every night someone disconnects me from admin...
Tell me some method so that i can bounce any account every now and then... so that whoever may be could not disconnect me from internet...
2010 Aug 12 at 01:44 UTC
hey guys i m a mechanical engineering final year student.. and i m not getting any project idea ..will help me??
2010 Jul 23 at 12:33 UTC
its nt the case....
I know autocad.. but its to difficult and complicated for such applications.....
2010 Jul 21 at 11:54 UTC
yaa i can elucidate further... The way we make maps in ValveHammer
in the same way i want to build the digital maps of building or any 3D object... Do you have any idea how to do it???
2010 Jul 20 at 14:44 UTC
Brush properties in Hammer Mapping
how to make the breakable brushes such as breakable glass, breakable wall etc?????
2010 Jul 20 at 14:23 UTC
As this is the general forum section i would like to ask a question???
i want to make the project on 3D digital cartography for my final year engineering.... i have the idea but cant find from where to start... is there anyone who can help me??????