How to compile SPARToR/McDiddy's

How to compile SPARToR/McDiddy's


2005 Mar 21 • 6655
How to compile SPARToR/McDiddy's on Windows (64 bit)

The easy way to get everything you need at once is to install the Git for Windows SDK.

Go to this page:
Scroll to the bottom to find the SDK button. Get the 64 bit version and install it.

When it's done installing a billion things, you should get a command prompt.

Now you need the the libraries SPARToR uses. You don't need to download/unzip/compile them anymore! Just run this pacman command and say yes when it asks:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_net mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_image mingw-w64-x86_64-glew

That's it!

Now clone the SPARToR source code via Git:
cd /
git clone

Everything up to here was one-time setup stuff. This last part will update your files and compile SPARToR and run it. This is the only part you need to repeat to check out the latest stuff in the future.
git pull
./mcdiddy.exe <OR> ./deadking.exe
2011 Feb 7 at 06:15 UTC — Ed. 2023 Jul 18 at 06:33 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
If you don't install/can't find the shortcut to open the command prompt, just go to C:\git-sdk-64 and run git-bash.exe
2011 Feb 7 at 06:31 UTC — Ed. 2016 Mar 6 at 03:53 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
How to compile SPARToR/McDiddy's on Linux

You'll need to install these packages:
gcc git libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libglew-dev

For example, on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint this should install everything:
sudo apt-get install gcc git libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libglew-dev

Do NOT use sudo/root to do anything from here on...

Clone SPARToR:
git clone

Everything up to here was one-time setup stuff. Get updates, compile and run SPARToR:
cd ~/SPARToR
git pull
2011 Feb 7 at 07:10 UTC — Ed. 2016 Mar 6 at 04:08 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
How to compile SPARToR/McDiddy's on Mac

Install the Xcode stuff from Apple and make sure you have a working gcc.

You need to install glew1.5-dev and the dev packages for SDL1.2.x: libsdl-devel, libsdl_image, libsdl_net. I recommend using MacPorts for this.

MacPorts can also install Git for you which you should have anyway because Git is awesome.

Open a terminal and clone SPARToR (once):
git clone

Checkout the mcdiddy branch:
cd ~/SPARToR
git checkout mcdiddy

Get updates, compile and run SPARToR (often as you like):
cd ~/SPARToR
git pull
open ./
2011 Feb 7 at 07:19 UTC — Ed. 2013 Jan 27 at 22:29 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Houston, we have a problem.

Also I'm pretty sure that your instructions for installing the Windows version actually install a mac version for some reason: "C:\msysgit\msysgit\SPARToR\"
2011 Feb 7 at 18:59 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Did you get any errors on the previous steps?

What did make end up saying?

The folder is always part of the project. It's only used on Mac and ignored on Windows.
2011 Feb 7 at 22:06 UTC — Ed. 2011 Feb 13 at 06:56 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Nope, no errors (unless they were hidden somewhere within the middle of the thousands of lines, but it didn't show any at the end).
2011 Feb 7 at 22:35 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Well then just show me the output of make

(It's also possible you need to type .exe on the end of spartor_win32 but I kind of doubt it.)
2011 Feb 7 at 22:47 UTC — Ed. 2011 Feb 13 at 06:56 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
2011 Feb 8 at 00:06 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Hmmm. Looks like you have an older version of OpenGL than I'm expecting. I'm writing a patch.
2011 Feb 8 at 00:24 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
OK I patched it, but I'm not sure if it will work. Do this:
git pull

I guess Microsoft forgot to include glBlendEquation on Windows. Word on the street is I should use glew to avoid this kind of problem.

2011 Feb 8 at 00:42 UTC — Ed. 2011 Feb 13 at 06:56 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
OK so I'm now using glew to avoid this kind of problem.

In related news, glew is awesome.
2011 Feb 11 at 03:43 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
It all worked so well that I peed. Now I need your help cleaning it up.
2011 Feb 11 at 04:04 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
aaronjer said:
It all worked so well that I peed. Now I need your help cleaning it up.

Try deleting the file "C:\Documents and Settings\atojamz\Local Settings\Temp\Pee.tmp"
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2011 Feb 11 at 12:35 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 4979
1,227 ₧
It helped at first but now it can no longer stem the flow. I need a higher level of assistance.
2011 Feb 11 at 14:29 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Just a heads up to everyone that there is new stuff!

The directions above have been updated and are slightly easier now.

I'm not going to be doing binary releases (much) as they take too much of my time.
2011 Feb 14 at 20:10 UTC — Ed. 2011 Feb 14 at 20:11 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
NEW: Level scrolling and map editor!

To start editing, type edit in the console.
Then you can select textures from the upper-right and click to paint with them.
There are some tool textures that do magic things:

NUL: reset tiles back to how they were when you loaded the level.

SOL: make a tile solid

PLAT: make a tile a platform

OPN: make a tile open space (non-solid, non-platform)

COPY: select tiles to copy, this also copies solidness, etc.

PSTE: paste what you have copied

OBJ: move the player (for now)

In order to see what tiles are solid, etc., use the hulls command.

You can save and load maps with the commands save <name> and load <name>.

The maps are saved in mcdiddy/maps.

I'm working on support for multiple texture files.

This is all built in a way to work over the network, but the network code is really crashy right now. I know what I need to do to fix it but it is going to take a while.
2011 Feb 28 at 01:27 UTC — Ed. 2011 Mar 7 at 02:32 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
The game now loads all textures in mcdiddy/textures, so you can add your own.

In edit mode, change textures with PageDown. Ignore the (null) ones for now.

It will work when you save and reload your map, too.
2011 Mar 7 at 02:50 UTC — Ed. 2011 Mar 7 at 22:20 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Why don't you make a masterserver and a browser?
Free Steam Games
2011 Mar 7 at 06:25 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
I will but right now networking is pretty busted anyway. At least for map editing. Which is my focus at the moment.
2011 Mar 7 at 10:09 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
I've got audio added to the engine now, and lots of sound effects for McDiddy's.

I also added this edit to the instructions at the beginning of the truck:

***EDIT (2012-01-17): I am now working on several different games for SPARToR. They are in their own branches in Git. To switch to the McDiddy's branch, do a git checkout mcdiddy before you make. It will stay on that branch until you checkout something else.
2012 Jan 18 at 02:35 UTC
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