how do i put an item_thighpack down on the map?

how do i put an item_thighpack down on the map?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Jun 5 • 4
19 ₧
environment: HL1: CS v1.6

what i want to do is replace that awp with "item_thighpack" in that entity entry that you see below.

can that be done?


in the bsp:

"origin" "40 1776 -104"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"item" "10"
"count" "1"
"classname" "armoury_entity"
2006 Jun 5 at 22:28 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6684
What is an item_thighpack?

You cannot directly place any items in CS. It has to be registered as a numbered item in the amoury_entity class. If item_thighpack does not have an ID number in armoury_entity, then NO, I don't think you can place one.

Editing the map/bsp file directly is pointless. The CS game.dll code does not handle directly placed items even if you get them in there.

Besides, you can add any item directly through Hammer by turning off SmartEdit in the properties dialog. I could add an info_superjer to my map and give it the property 'secret'='Shoot the wooden door 15 times' all directly in Hammer.

You might be able to do it with some kind of server mod.
2006 Jun 5 at 22:38 UTC
2006 Jun 5 • 4
19 ₧
item_thighpack = CT defuse kit

does it have the identifying number that you mention? ^^
2006 Jun 5 at 22:58 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6684
These are the only ones listed in the FGD:
"": "weapon_mp5navy"
1: "weapon_tmp"
2: "weapon_p90"
3: "weapon_mac10"
4: "weapon_ak47"
5: "weapon_sg552"
6: "weapon_m4a1"
7: "weapon_aug"
8: "weapon_scout"
9: "weapon_g3sg1"
10: "weapon_awp"
11: "weapon_m3"
12: "weapon_xm1014"
13: "weapon_m249"
14: "weapon_flashbang"
15: "weapon_hegrenade"
16: "item_kevlar"
17: "item_assaultsuit"
18: "weapon_smokegrenade"

You might be able to use game_player_equip to give players an item_thighpack, but its a tricky entity. It is supposed to set the starting weapons for everyone. But you can name it and trigger it. And you might need a player_weaponstrip too.
2006 Jun 5 at 23:13 UTC
2006 Jun 5 • 4
19 ₧
can you put those into a custom version of de_dust2 for me? im not Hammer skilled, but can attempt it if you think the degree of difficulty is low.

i would like 8 CT defuse kits placed at the A bomb site and 8 CT defuse kits at the B bombsite.

arrangement in an octagon preferred (UFC fan), or just scattered near those bombsites.
2006 Jun 6 at 00:52 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6684
Not possible.

Maybe I was a little unclear. You CAN'T place them at all. But you can have an event triggered that will equip players with them magically.
2006 Jun 7 at 00:15 UTC
2006 Mar 1 • 74
22 ₧
i dont get this how can u open a .bsp in like wordpad?????
2006 Jun 7 at 14:05 UTC
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