Half-Life single player maps, little help plz....

Half-Life single player maps, little help plz....

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
Im making Half-life addon.... How to make the music (mp3) from valve/media/ play in my map? ....
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Sep 30 at 13:05 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Sorry, I don't have a clue. Wasn't even an option when I was mapping.

Is it now?
2006 Oct 6 at 02:14 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Well it's not for CS it's for other games, such as Natural Selection.

I'm guessing you're using a target_mp3audio. If so do this.

Make that entity and then if you want it to start automatically check it's "Start On" flag, also DO NOT give it a name, a name will fuck it up from what I see.

Go to the sound line and insert the pathway of the sound "sound/blah/blah.mp3".

Near the Bottom it says "Fade Distance", I set that to one, because at 1000 it wasn't working, so try 1.

If this wasn't any help, well then damn.
2006 Oct 7 at 18:25 UTC

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
I cant find this target_mp3audio, there is only target_cdaudio ... but there is no choise to choose any path for mp3, there is just choose the track from CD and no FLAGS.... :(
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Oct 13 at 19:43 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
target_cdaudio is only for playing the original HL1 music off the HL1 cd during single player.

You need an FGD that has a definition for target_mp3audio since it's a new addition of some kind..... mod dependent?
2006 Oct 14 at 07:14 UTC

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
Well.... I can add a line in my mods FGD, but I have to know what is in that entity.... well.... trigger_mp3audio, and ... there is name? ... or something more?... Can anyone to write everything? :)
(P.S. I have one more idea, how to play it.... Ill open the map in winbsp and look for trigger_mp3audio.... But I still need your help... To write everything in that FGD, but not only the used things in that map....) THANKS
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Oct 18 at 20:22 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
If you can find a trigger_mp3audio in another map, and copy it into yours, that is good enough.

You don't need the FGD if you can do that.

A cool thing about Hammer is it needs the FGD to list available entities but you can still type in your own stuff if you want.

If you know your mod has a trigger_hot_lesbian_sex entity, then you can just type "trigger_hot_lesbian_sex" in for the entity class and add the keys manually, without an FGD.

The problem I forsee is that Counter-Strike will not understand what a trigger_hot_lesbian_sex is...
2006 Oct 18 at 21:21 UTC

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
=DDD..... Good one...

Maybe anyone knows Half-life coding? ... I would like to learn.... Or at least give a link for GearBox(opfor) or Valve coding sources...... I cant find anywhere the dlls sources for HL1
I hope you will help me....
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Oct 19 at 07:15 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
You need the HL1SDK. Looks like you can't get it from Valve any more (???)

Try here:

I really don't know anything about it or using it... but maybe that will help you get started.
2006 Oct 20 at 09:47 UTC

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
Well thanks for this..
I've an other one question.. Im trying to make a fog (in base, yard or something) I used sprites, well sprites not good for fog, if you dont have that one.. So I made darker as I could, But it still :D the fog is white, with much sprites, I looked for more entities, I found func_illiusonary ant VOLUMETRIC LIGHT, I used in the map, and I saw what I need.... But I saw that Im flying.. or swiming :D something like that.. Like I would be in the water.. How to remove that "water effect" and leave only beutiful fog effect??....

And how the hell CS Aztec has the RAIN???!!! I think it is impossible to make it on HL1 mod..
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Oct 24 at 05:41 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
What RenderMode are you using on your fog sprites? Try different ones to see what works. Also set the FXAmount.

You can do rain with an env_rain or env_snow or something like that. I used one in de_kalt.
2006 Oct 25 at 00:17 UTC
Le Tigre

2006 Sep 1 • 549
16 ₧
where can you find those entities?! I want to use a rain one on one of my maps for cs......
2006 Oct 25 at 00:49 UTC

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
But I need that the sprite would be fully transparent couse I dont want to see the edges of the sprite "resolution end" But all the render modes are.... hmm If Im making a lot of sprites here comes an error that means to much entities I've maded.. So.. i think its half-life bugg that VOLUMETRIC LIGHT... :((( Couse I want a fog like that...

I WISH TO MAKE A MOD WITH ONE OF YOU FOR HALF-LIFE, ANYONE MAYBE WANT? =]]] But I guess you all guys are only ONLINE when to me is NIGHT :D... +3 GMT .....
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Oct 26 at 10:20 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
-8 GMT here.

You can only have 512 entities and stuff like the player_starts count and so do entities the game creates when it loads your map.

I'm not a sprite expert but I'm quite sure there is a render mode that looks correct. What .SPR file are you using? Is it broken?
2006 Oct 27 at 02:28 UTC

2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
I made a sprite my self, it's additive mode
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Nov 3 at 17:00 UTC
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