Rocket Man
2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Ok, so I've been trying to burn a bunch of vob, buf and ifo files that was 8gb, so I downloaded some freeware that converted it down to 4gb, so I burnt it by using nero 9 free, with it in a folder called "VIDEO_TS" (or something like that). Anyways, when I put it in my pc, it runs automatically and fine, but when I put it in my dvd player, it just says error.
I'm thinking of just pirating the full version of nero so I won't have to put up with all this bullshit, but at the moment, does anyone know any good freeware that allows you to create dvd's based on VOB files (so I can split them in half and burn it on 2 disks) and also that actually will burn them properly?
2012 Sep 12 at 00:15 UTC