

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Jun 15 • 4
7 ₧
well i built my school lol, and i added doors, butthe problem is: when i move close to door, it just fly away from me, i just want it to be opened like in cs_assault etc..
now it just fly away.............. and then it come back after 5-6 seconds.

how i fix this :p ?
2007 Jun 15 at 19:43 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
The door entity needs to contain an origin brush, so it knows what to rotate around.

Create a brush with nothing by ORIGIN texture on it for the hinge, and add it to the func_door_rotating entity.
2007 Jun 15 at 22:21 UTC
2007 Jun 15 • 4
7 ₧
yea thats what i did :/
download my map and see
2007 Jun 16 at 09:01 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
See what? You can't see the origin brush in the BSP. It's not even in the BSP. It gets deleted during compile and it's center is used for the doors rotation origin.

Make sure you origin brush is INCLUDED in the func_
2007 Jun 20 at 18:21 UTC
Page [1]