

Vidja Games — Page [1]
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045

Ok so... I went ahead and bought a domain, and now I have no idea what to do. I've been looking at a bunch of different tutorials but they're all confusing as fuck.

So basically, I would like to use this domain for two things...
1.) Email. The name of the domain is, so I can make an email that is
2.) Since I own the domain, I might as well use it to replace my IP with, so I'd like to do that as well.
2010 Sep 4 at 15:28 UTC — Ed. 2010 Sep 5 at 07:22 UTC

Find the Hole Participation Medal
Find the Hole II 1st Place Medal
2007 Sep 14 • 79
1,301 ₧
My advice would be to ditch such a silly email name venture like that and just stick with a professional sounding g-mail account or get a university account.
But if you must I'll try to help you, although I am not very informed on this subject.

I'm not sure if you have hosting as well as your domain name or your own server. If you have your own hosting/server you could install webmail and/or have it email forward to a different address. I'm not sure about the implications if you just own the domain.

For the second part I'm hoping you have a static IP. I believe you'll need to either set up your own or use your registrar's DNS server to create records that will point to your IP.
SRAW said:
hey a rare cameo by adhesive
2010 Sep 5 at 06:51 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
I'm hosting it myself, and I have a static IP. I already have it set up to display a webpage if you go to my IP, I just needa get the dns figured out... and the email :S
2010 Sep 5 at 07:21 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Set up your email through Google Apps. Then you get Gmail-like email and no mailserver administration nightmares.
2010 Sep 9 at 00:44 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Superjer, you're the man, man

My new email =

Edit: Awww, it takes up to 48 hours for them to make sure I own the domain
Oh well, its better than me sitting here trying to figure out wth I'm doing setting up my own mail server, and probably never getting it to work
2010 Sep 9 at 01:35 UTC — Ed. 2010 Sep 9 at 01:59 UTC
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