cant play my map becuase idk were to put wad file

cant play my map becuase idk were to put wad file

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Nov 23 • 16
14 ₧
ok i made a wad file using wally. and got it to work on my hammer editor

i maded the .bsp using the batch file.

but when i go to play it i cant becasue i dont have the wad file in the right place. it say warning counld not open "mywad.wad" so it kick me off.

next i added it to my sever i added my map under the map folder and the other on under cstrike folder on my sever. but it still will not work.

so my Q is were do i put the wad file on my comp and on my sever
2006 Dec 3 at 23:59 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
The wad file goes in the main cstrike folder.
2006 Dec 4 at 00:43 UTC
2006 Nov 23 • 16
14 ₧
"jacksmoke234" said:
The wad file goes in the main cstrike folder.

i did but it did not workk
2006 Dec 4 at 03:00 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6666
When you compile you can include the WAD in the BSP.

Change your HLCSG line like this:

hlcsg -wadinclude mywad your_map_name
2006 Dec 4 at 19:27 UTC
2007 Jan 10 • 31
12 ₧
Or you can use the follow line to include the textures in with the .bsp

hlcsg mapname -nowadtextures

and it includes all the textures you used into the .bsp itself so you dont have to deal with those wad files :)
(\__/) (+'.'+) Bunny is taking over the world!! (")_(")
2007 Jan 11 at 00:26 UTC
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