Big Project / Newbie Help

Big Project / Newbie Help

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
I am currently working on a big project for a CounterStrike 6.1 map. If you would believe it, I am making a replica of a local mall here. The mall has towers for snipers and plenty of locations for handgun or knife combat. Its a one story mall with large towers on the ends, a large parking lot with plants and trees. Now this is a large project and I am looking for some help on it as well as having a few questions.

1. How many blocks (zoomed in as far as i go) it the right height for a doorway without ducking and how many blocks is high enough if you are ducking to be hidden?

2. I am new to Hammer but I have mapped for WolfET before. How do you apply the textures to the brushes? I can't seem to get them to stay or even appear.

3. Is any one interested in helping out on this project. I am going to need people to make brushes for objects and people who know about CS scripting (because I just make the visual stuff and I hate coding) I have a map of the buildings and pictures of the complex. I also would like some people to test it and for some people to throw ideas off of
2007 Jan 30 at 13:30 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
1. A doorway has to be 73 units high to walk thru and 37 units high to crawl thru BUT your model might clip into those heights (bare minimum is VERY low) so make it higher than that.
For hiding I'm not sure but I'd guess about 48 units should be safe.

2. Use the Shift+A window to apply textures. You won't be able to see them until you switch the 3d mode to Textured -- click where it says camera in the 3d window to do this.

3. There isn't really any coding to do in a CS map -- everything is objects. Objects tied to entities have properties but there's no code.
2007 Jan 30 at 20:59 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
Thank you, that was helpful. I have made the basic skeleton for a small fraction of the mall and it seems to be doing wellI understand that you need a wad file in order to have textures in the game. How do you make you're own textures and thus make your own wad files? Or is there someone who is interested in making specific textures for me?

<img src="" border="0" alt="The Mall - Phase 1">
2007 Jan 31 at 02:12 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Wally will let you created half-life wads:
2007 Jan 31 at 04:22 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
I am sure by now, you are getting quite sick of me. I have a few more questions. My friend is setting up a server and I am trying to make this map be one of the first maps on the server (all custom maps)

1. When texturing, is it possible (and if yes, how) to make different sides of the brush to have a different texture? (i.e. Inside/Outside wall)

2. Since you have supplied much help already (and I have a feeling I will be requiring more, would you (the site) be opposed to me puting a "poster" for this site in the map?
2007 Feb 1 at 23:43 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Well I can help you out now.

1. Yes you can do that, it's not very difficult. Open Hammer and select this option, and click on the side of the brush that you want to apply the new texture to. This only textures the selected side, very helpful.


2. Sure go ahead and put a poster for this site, it increases the popularity. :)
2007 Feb 1 at 23:54 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
I noticed the different shapes, but I am still having an issue with this. I am trying to make very small shapes and the smallest I seem to be able to get down to is a 64x64 block (or other various shaped brushes) or a flat variation of this AND they seem to only want to stick to the sides of the grid in the top, front, side views.

This is a picture of a building similar to what I am trying to build, its not the exact building, but close enough so you can get the idea.
<img src="" border="0" alt="Not What I'm Doing, But A Good Example">

I understand that it is a game, and I will not be able to replicate the building to my desires, but I want to make a level that is pleasing to the eye and challenging to the mind.

I want to make things like posters, toilet stalls, columns, overhangs, signs ect.
2007 Feb 3 at 15:07 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
If you hold the ALT button, you have full range of movement.
2007 Feb 3 at 18:07 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
Aha! Now I know what to do. Its amazing what you can do with a little button. I wish the tutorial I read had this in it. Ok, no more annoying stuff from me on "How do you do...."

From now on it should just be update pictures
2007 Feb 3 at 20:16 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Okay, the map was looking pretty nice from the looks p it.
2007 Feb 4 at 03:49 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
You can change the size of the grid with the [ and ] keys. This will let you make 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 ... etc etc..

The Alt key trick is a little sloppy.
2007 Feb 4 at 11:55 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
yes, that makes more sense. and is much easier
2007 Feb 4 at 14:26 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
Ok, so I am slowly progressing in one of my buildings, trying to give it texture, but it looks so cheesy. You know, like some doofus just made it (yeah, I know, you don't have to comment on that). I tried taking digipix of textures I like and they don't look that great and all the "details" I am putting in just look more stupid. Any suggestions?

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

Yes, I realize that the purple half-life texture is on there, but I don't have an exterior building texture yet.
2007 Feb 5 at 19:02 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Things always look doofusy in Hammer. You need to compile it with shadows and lighting for it to look any good.

Also try using higher-resolution textures and scaling them at like 0.5 for more fine detail.
2007 Feb 6 at 05:06 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
I am putting the larger map on hold for a moment and working on a map that will be killer for gun game. However, I have come to an issue that I never really thought about. Stairs are nice, but they take up too much space. How do you make a ladder?
2007 Feb 6 at 18:43 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
2007 Feb 6 at 19:20 UTC
2007 Jan 29 • 25
11 ₧
"superjer" said:

i read that but how do u get it so that the climby part is RIGHT infront of it and not on the next grid?

and u no u can just make the ladder have func_wall and then put the AAAtrigger with func_ladder on it? but i like your way but i just need to no how to put it RIGHT infront and now on da next grid
2007 Feb 6 at 22:28 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
I compiled my map using that ZHLT and it worked, however, once i get into CS, I get a "Fatal Error" and it says that it can't find my texture file. Where am I supposed to put it so it will find it?
2007 Feb 7 at 01:55 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
i read that but how do u get it so that the climby part is RIGHT infront of it and not on the next grid?

and u no u can just make the ladder have func_wall and then put the AAAtrigger with func_ladder on it? but i like your way but i just need to no how to put it RIGHT infront and now on da next grid

I don't really get what you're asking but just putting it anywhere in front (in the "air" you'll be touching when climbing) should work fine. Did you try it yet?

The func_wall method works BUT func_walls stop bullets and that is usually NOT what you want for a ladder.
2007 Feb 7 at 02:18 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
"soxnation85xx" said:
I compiled my map using that ZHLT and it worked, however, once i get into CS, I get a "Fatal Error" and it says that it can't find my texture file. Where am I supposed to put it so it will find it?

Put your .WAD(s) in the cstrike folder. You can also compile the wads into your BSP using the -nowadtextures switch with hlcsg, example:

@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures yourmap
hlbsp yourmap
hlvis yourmap
hlrad yourmap
.... etc ....
2007 Feb 7 at 02:20 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
im sorry, i actually read somewhere else in the forum what to do. my bad.
2007 Feb 7 at 13:50 UTC

2006 Dec 4 • 50
13 ₧
Heres a good site aswell. It has quite a bit of stuff on how to do things.
WinVista,??......Fuck Off!...
2007 Feb 7 at 21:16 UTC

2007 Jan 30 • 15
11 ₧
Well I have officially started on version 3 of my map entitled "wn_brickyard3". I used the ZHLT files and wrote up the wn_brickyard3.bat file and such like always and began the process. I have been on LeftThread 90% for about 15 minutes now and doesn't seem to be wanting to progress anymore (the little _ is still blinking) is this normal?
2007 Mar 5 at 23:13 UTC
Tendrils McGee

2005 Mar 21 • 1375
34 ₧
Sometimes they'll take a while, just wait.
2007 Mar 6 at 01:53 UTC
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