1 stupid error

1 stupid error

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Jan 16 • 7
12 ₧
hmm when i run the map in CS its giving me error "cant find NAME.wad"
the NAME its the wad that i made...
how do i fix it?

i saw super jer says:

...compile your wad files INTO your BSP file by changing your HLCSG line like this:

hlcsg -wadinclude NAME mapname
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname

but what line ... the name of the hlcsg.exe?
2007 Feb 9 at 09:03 UTC
2007 Jan 10 • 31
12 ₧
"DickHead" said:
hmm when i run the map in CS its giving me error "cant find NAME.wad"
the NAME its the wad that i made...
how do i fix it?

i saw super jer says:

...compile your wad files INTO your BSP file by changing your HLCSG line like this:

hlcsg -wadinclude NAME mapname
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname

but what line ... the name of the hlcsg.exe?

This is commonly caused because the game cannot find the wad file in your game directory, put the NAME.wad in your cstrike folder and try to run the map again, you can also edit the first command line "hlcsg mapname -nowadtextures" and recompile the map, this command compiles the .wad into the .bsp so you do not need to put any wad files into your cstrike folder.
(\__/) (+'.'+) Bunny is taking over the world!! (")_(")
2007 Feb 9 at 19:03 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6670
I'm talking about modifying the bat file from my tutorial. Modified it should look like:

@echo off
-nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "C:\Steam\SteamApps\EMAIL\counter-strike\cstrike\maps"
"C:\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname
2007 Feb 10 at 22:27 UTC
Page [1]