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Posts written by Skitsofrantic:

ninja gaiden 2 rocks i'v gotten past the 1st boss but i i'm stuck now
i'v not even saw the commercial or played the game or anything and i knew what KZ2 is
yea they are cool
what is trash overkill?
they are using sarcasm
im outa this shit... Here we go restarting it again with a new Edan Reset Inhibitor. Wich he uses
ugh i helped him make it becouse he asked me to when he saw me on it
im outa this shit... Here we go restarting it again with a new
mikey the one that we no dude
like I said I don't pay attention
I don't know why alot of people say sence instead of sense i just don't pay much attention
it doesn't have 2 make sence
yea what he said
A Bum had two big hands and buck teeth. His dream was to win the Handicap Olympics one time in the near by future, so he could have a shiny light saber of HOBO wisdom to finally do all his taxes. Monterey was his name and so he was called Monty the Jigsaw pie. Ironically enough though he was a lactosintolerate dirty man, who liked pandas. He also was a man of superior unparalleld retardedness. When he got his throne usurped with chocolate syrup, he became quite satisfatorey with his penis. The end. 107.7. Alternative Music. witch i think the_cloud_system is very sexually attracted to his little brother
So I can post anything and you guys will add random demon shit to it? That sounds like superjer just expired. Edan why don't you join this chain of awesome, instead of being a bitch. Seriously now, why did the chicken frost the toad? Because it wanted to get to the outpost of Verbing Nouns.
Meanwhile the hobo was going to the FTWOMG Jake?! posted something that really amazed me because Jake?! is fingerless.
So now we have abused many, including superjer and his golden manbabies. Using his mandible, the leftmost manbaby accidentally performed surgery inside of something the rightmost manbaby will invent in the near future. This grotesque approximation gives the implication that should one person ever go to the toilet without proper precautions he would find a secret passage to the underworld.
The Manbabies' hubris exceeded their Pulchritude! So they went willingly into the pit with a knife and sword
So I can post anything and you guys will add random demon shit to it? That sounds like superjer just expired. Edan why don't you join this chain of awesome, instead of being a bitch. Seriously now, why did the chicken frost the toad? Because it wanted to get to the outpost of Verbing Nouns.
Meanwhile the hobo was going to the FTWOMG Jake?! posted something that really amazed me because Jake?! is fingerless.
So now we have abused many, including superjer and his golden manbabies. Using his mandible, the leftmost manbaby accidentally performed surgery inside of something the rightmost manbaby will invent in the near future. This grotesque approximation gives the implication that should one person ever go to the toilet without proper precautions he would find a secret passage to the underworld.
So I can post anything and you guys will add random demon shit to it? That sounds like superjer just expired. Edan why don't you join this chain of awesome, instead of being a bitch. Seriously now, why did the chicken frost the toad? Because it wanted to get to the outpost of Verbing Nouns.
Meanwhile the hobo was going to the FTWOMG Jake?! posted something that really amazed me because Jake?! is fingerless.
So now we have abused many, including superjer and his golden manbabies. Using his mandible, the leftmost manbaby accidentally performed surgery inside of something the rightmost manbaby will invent in the near future. This grotesque approximation gives the implication that should one person ever go