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Posts written by Riddick51PB:

ok, ive installed valve hammer editor v3.4 SDK

is that the "Open Hammer: Source " you speak of?
can you put those into a custom version of de_dust2 for me? im not Hammer skilled, but can attempt it if you think the degree of difficulty is low.

i would like 8 CT defuse kits placed at the A bomb site and 8 CT defuse kits at the B bombsite.

arrangement in an octagon preferred (UFC fan), or just scattered near those bombsites.
item_thighpack = CT defuse kit

does it have the identifying number that you mention? ^^
environment: HL1: CS v1.6

what i want to do is replace that awp with "item_thighpack" in that entity entry that you see below.

can that be done?


in the bsp:

"origin" "40 1776 -104"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"item" "10"
"count" "1"
"classname" "armoury_entity"