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Posts written by Mike_The_StickMa:

i really rather to auto buy

how did he get in superjers forums?
i dont get it
"mrsticks" said:
Face it, i wanna be an admin. I've been on these forums for 2 years! Now sure those were not the best years, but i feel i could have made an effect on this place in some weird way! Besides, it was my idea for the video game fourm. What do you say? NOTE: Only superjer can reply to this.

and yet u got -2526 posts thats like a new record!(im jkin)

if u want admin here r the steps :

1. Cut Your Computer Plug Into 3 pieces

2. Smash Your Monitor With A Sledge Hammer

3. Pee Inside Your Computer

4. Shift Your Computer To Alaska

My Questions : What video game forums
"Covernant" said:
You where once new too... just that.. not as retarded...

can any of u giv me an example of a newbie?

i dink dis is kheird

dats not me
^Just Said sumthin
why r u here all of a sudden?
um can i go now?
that was so funny that i forgot to laugh

there is no rule for 2ble posting

everyone deserve a right in the forums unless they do something retarded

u got banned for like a week u said that in "Im Back"
aaahhhh forget it atleast i have my cousins forums u can get to the site by clickin on my sig
wwwwwhhhhaaaattt!!!!! why?
"jacksmoke234" said:
"Jet Monkey Duo" said:
That's what you get for me being forgetful. Don't let it happen again.

Also, aren't you a mod now? Can't you unban yourself?

Mods only can edit posts and such, not do bans / unbans

i guess thats true cuz admins get full control over da place
i thought he already said the 2 halves? wut someone split in threes with scissors or something?
man i only reached lvl 4
hey can u giv me a download for de_restuaruant?
i say xbox360 cuz halo wars is coming out and its only for xbox360 and the things i read bout it r so fuken cool!!!!XD

even thought i chose wii
yea but i still think the singing is horrible
^His Rank Is Asshole Admin
"Nezumi" said:
That rude gesture people make where the put one hand on the inside of the other arms elbow, and raise their other hand in a fist,

Massacre or CONQUER THE WORLD!!!!!

nice job how did u make it?
my fav combo is m4 & deagle XD
you wasted our time doing this so dont make the same mistake again!!
"Zarathustra" said:
On this Firetruck we pause for a moment and reflect on those computer and video games which shaped our lives, or rather, how we shaped them.

wich hole is that???
it was weird wen it suddenly showed that cat
"shigidy" said:

wut da hell?!?!?!?


that video is retarded(no offense)
do u like surf maps?
hey superjer can u make a surf_map(im just asking) if you do then can u make one?
here try this i think this will work:

go to options then advance if it says left hand then switch it to right hand then press ok
"DomSau" said:
i neeed goooooooooood multihack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude y do u say cheats if ur askin for hacks? here r some links:

<a href="">Cheats</a>

<a href="">Hacks(You Can Get Banned If You Use These Hacks)</a>
idk wuts up with these newies but i think they r here to mock us(im keeping my eye on them )
^been on this forums b4