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Posts written by Maisbroodje:

Here's my desk...

yes, i like chaos.
*Smoke-grenade-spam's you all*

I call it... 'dash'!
*pokes echidna*
"echidna3" said:
Maisbroodje you fucking moron. aaronjer is completely right, and also, it gives you brain damage and slows down the synapses in your brain. no wonder you are fucked in the head

That's like the best story i've ever read.

Weed is not that bad... T.t

It only makes your mouth dry, and you're posting 'real-time-sick-footage' at forums like this.
All the crap about "forgetting too much, and that you can't concentrate" must be forgotten... ^^
I only smoke weed in the weekends... just in the pub or something (everyone does it there, so it doesn't matter).

So, may i please welcome everyone to Holland! *music playing*
"echidna3" said:
Maisbroodje is a sick fuck road kill piece of shit. why do you even look for that shit

Well it all began 2 weeks ago... when me and my mates are having a beer at the pub.
When the pub was closing, we decided to hang out at my m8's place...
Then all upon sudden, some sick minded fool shows me that shit.
Then somehow, i thought that it would be funny to post it here...
Srry but, "weed" is legal here in 'Holland/Netherlands'... and i wasn't really thinking straight as you may guess.

I apologise for that.
"jacksmoke234" said:
What do you know about modding for the HL1 mod? If you know anything? Me and my friends want to make a SC mod sorta thing.

Like... you mean with 'Zergling-skins' ans shit? ...cuz that would be awesome!
Omg i love you all!'s tr00!

Just watch it... please watch it!
"a_banana" said:
now I can put mc diddy's 2 in flash and manipulated it how i want!!!

*cough... cough* eeeerrrhm 882...
Hehe, cheers superjer!

Btw my proccesor, motherboard, and fan are toast... =_= (the fan felt like :"what if i like... don't do my job, and just do nothing.")
Anywayz, i'm thinking of buying some alienware shaith... or maybe such a quiet pc as ure planning to buy...
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's causing us all to give unto the many leaders our undying gratitude. As we watch southpark christmas specials we all wonder why the hell cow's eat grass. Now we must speculate on the mother of Piles, daft she was, suffering from many emotional wounds. Widowed after a series of continuous defeats. She decided to do like the ones who had brought us FLCL and start performing stripteases dressed like something else entirely too fat to wear tangerine Speedos. To make matters even better, she decided to dance on her dead pile of monkeys. That was awesome. Her new act stunned many around the turtlemeat company
"There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five burgerkingmanager's which resulted in pure chaos.
Piles said, 'Shaft! Report' into his shoe' causing many people named Shaft to jump off a very small cliff causin piles to yell 'Shaft! Noooooo!' Resulting in a hernia for the duration of the bomb timer. Explosions made the world with great hesitation, vulnerable for space-muffin's
There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's into a blender with five "burgerkingmanager's"
"There once was a cow named Piles H. Maloney. Who liked to stack plates on red parked cars. Now this cow didn't understand that butterflies like to eat green eggs and cows. So he decided to drop a line of orange penuts and forget them.Which caused major swelling of the profits of Microsoft. Leading to the release of Microsoft causing many people to eat their vegetables and parents.Now this catastrophic diet causes severe pain to the area where it releases them carrot's