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Posts with 'cleaving wombat':

Did you mean picloram porker?

We have a few black cards that are total trainwrecks right now and I'll admit, some of that is my fault. I should have been testing things better from the get-go. I think that

The only failure a man ought to fear is failure of cleaving to ______ he sees to be best.

could be fixed by changing it to

The only failure a man ought to fear is the failure to cling to ______ he sees to be best.

but I don't know if that would make it funny. I think it would just get it to make more natural a phrasing.

I'm also submitting as a new/replacement black card, to push out one of the ones that's just way too fucking long:

If you're still having trouble with "that thing," I know _____ could help you out.
I'm going through a lot of quotes from George Eliot because she makes broad statements that seem like they would work with this.

I'm throwing these out to the group to test because I've tried and drawn some middling white cards.


Our moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with ____ and ____

The only failure a man ought to fear is failure of cleaving to ______ he sees to be best.

The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but _____; the angels come to visit us, and we only know ____ when they are gone.

Every man who is not ____, _____, or ____ is the slave of some woman or other.
[the original was monster, mathematician, mad philosopher. Keep one or more if they make the results funnier, or add a blank for "some woman"]

A man never lies with more delicious languor under the influence of ___ than when he has persuaded himself that he shall subdue it tomorrow.

_________, like other dramatic spectacles, might possibly cease for want of a "public."

People glorify all sorts of ____ except the ___ they might show on behalf of their nearest neighbors [play 1]