how can I make a 35hp tipe map??

how can I make a 35hp tipe map??

Hammer Mapping — Page [1] 2 3

2008 Jan 22 • 52
how can I make a map where only knives are allowed and life is 35 or 1 please help
Anticipated thank you=Multumesc anticipat;)
2008 Jan 24 at 21:23 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Knives only:
1. Make a game_player_equip entity and in it's properties make it give only a knife.
2. Make a small brush inside the map, but in a place INACCESSIBLE to players. Now turn it into a func_buyzone (with the ToEntity button on the right).

35 hp:
Make another entity. This time it'll be a game_player_hurt. In it's properties set the damage to 65.

All entities must be inside the map.
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2008 Jan 24 at 21:28 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 24 at 21:31 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
Thank you very much X:X:X:X:X:
2008 Jan 25 at 10:46 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
It woorks I mean that the players get theire knives but its a problem :(,it looks like it wasnt compiled properly but there it doesnt say anithing about a compiling problem and there isnt a error file eithr:( ,don't know wht 2 do:(( PLEASE HELP
2008 Jan 25 at 17:42 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
In what way does it look like it did not compile properly?

P.S. Does the 35 hp work? (I never actually did a thing like that..)
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2008 Jan 25 at 18:40 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
In the actual map 35 hp all they did is have people spawn in the air and fall to the ground, taking away that much health.
2008 Jan 25 at 19:11 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Really? Sounds like hours of adjusting spawn points(/pain in the butt.)
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2008 Jan 25 at 19:13 UTC
The Original Portmanteau

2005 Mar 22 • 12862
666 ₧
thats what i though to, unless there is a scale somewhere to see hight/damage.
2008 Jan 25 at 19:33 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
I'm not sure if it would work, but you could try:

1. Make a trigger_hurt OR game_player_hurt with a name like 'fred'. Set it to do 65 damage.
2. Make a multi_manager named 'game_player_spawn'. Have it target 'fred'. And check the multithreaded flag on the multi_manager (IMPORTANT!).

2008 Jan 25 at 21:22 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 25 at 21:24 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
Well when I say that it wasn't compiled properly .well.......look I have an server with amxmodx and in amx mod x I put plugins and.......well when I enter the server it shows mw a lot of messages with some things that it permisses me to do for example it says to all the players:"By slashing the knife three times in the wall you can ask an enemy for an knife duel"....... But there is an problem with the compiling ,I mean that it shows mw the messages in the upper left and it should be showing me them down and that is not a good thing thats why I think it is an compiling problem :(:(:((

I know that this text is kind of annoying and you aren't too interested of reading it and it is very long but........PLEASE HELP
2008 Jan 26 at 09:50 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 26 at 11:42 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
I'm not having that problem anymore (I mean that it's good now it doesnt have any "compiling" problem) but the players dont have 35hp they have 100hp i tried how superjer said but I didnt know how to sai to point "fred"(I pushed the ":smart edit" button and there I pushed add and there I put the key game_player_hurt and the value fred ---is this good? IF not then how???) and I found something there doesnt work ,and I really dont want to put the players in air coes it could happen like in 1hp (I mean that the players could get life 36 or event 40 or........) and I dont want that I want an positive 35hp

PLEASE HELP -anticipated thank you
2008 Jan 26 at 12:25 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 26 at 12:49 UTC

2008 Jan 17 • 54
19 ₧
Can't you just place the spawns high enough so when the player begins he/she is then drops onto the map and starts out with 35hp?
2008 Jan 26 at 14:54 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
Thats exactly what I dont want because it could happen like in the 1hp map and players get more or less life thats why I wanna do it the hard/easy way :D
2008 Jan 26 at 15:39 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
But surely when a player drops through a certain height, they lose a certain amount of health? (ie no random factor in there) All it would require is a careful adjustment of spawns...
2008 Jan 26 at 19:10 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
What if admin changes sv_gravity?
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2008 Jan 26 at 20:45 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
True dat.
But then, we're probably talking 'pure' CS. And having them drop is kinda an hacky way of doing things. As mentioned in the above posts, there's probably a better way to do things.
2008 Jan 27 at 02:16 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 154
132 ₧
Thats exactly what I dont want because it could happen like in the 1hp map and players get more or less life thats why I wanna do it the hard/easy way :D

in 1HP the floor isnt even thats how come you sometimes you get more HP, only if you spawn where the floor is higher.....other then that youll get 1 HP or you will die by Crouching and falling to the floor...

So if your players don't crouch and you have a Even floor then your players will always get 35 HP
Duh Dun Dun Duh Dun Dun
2008 Jan 27 at 02:57 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Yeah, but if you alter the spawn positions such that those where the ground is higher place you higher up (that is, the distance fallen in each case is the same, rather than the spawn points being a fixed value above the XY plane) then there shouldn't be any issues. What's the motivation behind a '35-hp-map' anyway? If it's a gametype I have never played it...
2008 Jan 27 at 03:49 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 27 at 03:51 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 154
132 ₧
its just a knife map where u get 35 HP, that way you cant kill anyone with one Slash, but u can kill them with 1 stab

Stab = 65 Damage
Slash = 15 Damage

On the 1HP map people use Slash and not Stab...and 35 they use Stab....

Ye....and on 100 HP You needa Stab someone 2 times....and its not a Type of map, its just a map that someone made called 35_HP or w/e its called...

Maybe you should make a Map with 65 will be original

Its quite popular and it only consists of two spawns, and a bridge connecting them....thats pretty much the whole map, other then bottem floor which has watter...
Duh Dun Dun Duh Dun Dun
2008 Jan 27 at 05:44 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 27 at 05:49 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
I tought about making a map with 65 life ,but once angain there comes the crouch stuff and the life will decrease and as you know already I don't want that (by the way -I tried to see on all my 35hp maps that I have in my C.S. and crouched and done a lot of things but my life points didn't decrease could it be tahat trhey didn't use height to decrease the lifepoints to 35???)
if so how because the game_player_hurt didn't work or I didn't do the right thing to activate it :|(I don't really know)
2008 Jan 27 at 13:56 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
I'm giving you all a really head ake aren't I :D
But inm the near future I wont be needing any help after I start to understand all the problems and solutions
2008 Jan 27 at 13:59 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 154
132 ₧
in the 35 HP maps u spawn in a box or something and u get hurt in it for 35 HP then it takes you down to the floor u cant lose health. U probably did the hurt thing wrong

1. Make a trigger_hurt OR game_player_hurt with a name like 'fred'. Set it to do 65 damage.
2. Make a multi_manager named 'game_player_spawn'. Have it target 'fred'. And check the multithreaded flag on the multi_manager (IMPORTANT!).

1.) Ok When you make a Trigger_hurt you go into the brushes properties and you click 'Name' and give it the name 'FRED' and then go to damage and set it to '65'

2.) then you click the entity button and find Multi_Manager and go to its properties and name it 'Game_player_spawn' and then click target and write 'fred.' and then at the top there are Tabs, click on the Flags and check Multithreaded.

Thats just a little more detailed then what SuperJer said but i also relized there is no 'Target' function on the Multi_manager....

Duh Dun Dun Duh Dun Dun
2008 Jan 27 at 17:28 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 27 at 17:38 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
That's what I think too------This is what I've done:-I've made an mage player hurt than I named it fred after that I made an multi_manager ,in flags I have clicked on multithread,here is the tricky part,I didn't know how to put it point on game_player_hurt,and.......,I clicked the "smart edit" buton there I put the key game_player_hurt and the value fred (is that good???)
2008 Jan 27 at 17:40 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 27 at 17:44 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 154
132 ₧
Ye but u have to name the multi_manager 'Game_player_hurt' and set its target to fred by clicking 'Target' and writing 'Fred.' But there is no Target fuction on the you cant do id say ur just better off dropping people off the sky
Duh Dun Dun Duh Dun Dun
2008 Jan 27 at 17:43 UTC

2008 Jan 22 • 52
That's what I think too------This is what I've done:-I've made an game_player_hurt than I named it fred after that I made an multi_manager ,in flags I have clicked on multithread,here is the tricky part,I didn't know how to put it point on game_player_hurt,and.......,I clicked the "smart edit" buton there I put the key game_player_hurt and the value fred (is that good???)
2008 Jan 27 at 17:45 UTC — Ed. 2008 Jan 27 at 17:49 UTC
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