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Registration date
2006 October 2
Post count
15 ₧

Recent posts by Nuclearblob

Recent posts by Nuclearblob

2021 Sep 17 at 17:35 UTC
HA remembered my login in User Discussions
2011 Oct 10 at 08:34 UTC
NatureJay said:
aaronjer said:
SRAW said:
What kind of person doesn't clear their browser cache in 3 years? ... creep

I'm pretty sure needing to clear your cache is more of a sign of being a creep, actually.

What if I clear other people's browser caches?

NatureJay, you can come clear my cache any time.
2011 Oct 9 at 08:46 UTC
Nah, it was saved in the browser cache.

I have an incredibly thoughtful browser.
2011 Oct 8 at 14:48 UTC
Holy shit is this forum still going? I see by now practically everybody has adopted that frame-breaking signature gimmick.

I do like that chair, though.
2007 Dec 6 at 00:18 UTC
AVATARS in General
Pointy has only ever been on two forums and has managed to get himself hated by the administrator and outlawed as a noob in both of them. He only really got himself hated on this one because of his "Posting Truck" where he tried to get his level up by posting a million times in a row. He seems to have posted -50000 times.
Anyway, he's actually pretty cool; he just sucks on forums.
2007 Dec 6 at 00:13 UTC
Wait... does that mean that the man was, er... playing with himself while eating cheetos and spilled the powder all over his dick?
That's as far as I can get and it's not very funny.
2007 Nov 26 at 04:37 UTC
McDiddys 3 in General
If McDiddy's 3 is going to come out, It'll be in another 5 years when SuperJer finishes SpartOr. But then, we've got the playkit. Let's see how many McDiddy's movies we can make in the 5 years until 2012.
(I can't really talk, I haven't worked on Sunny Meadow for like, half a year.)
2007 Apr 20 at 08:50 UTC
McDiddys 3 in General
anyone who cant wait for another mcdiddys can go and watch weebl and bob.
2007 Apr 20 at 08:45 UTC
guy decides to kill the radio, because he wants to listen to diddy but the other guy wants to listen to smb3. then the evil terrorist comes along in the pimpmobile, steals the radio, and goes away but with the black guy following him. Then i stopped working on it.
year 7 homework is a bitch. i can only wait until yr 12

November Edit: And half a years later, I QUIT SCHOOL. IN YOUR FACE, AUTHORITY!
2007 Feb 27 at 20:45 UTC
frame rate in Other Help
i use 20 on sunny meadow because i saw that was the framerate of the example scenes in the playkit. but i use 24 most of the time and sometimes use 120 on crap like my "your face. our flamingo" animation and alpha game prototypes that suck shit