McDiddy's Sunny Meadow!

McDiddy's Sunny Meadow!

Other Help — Page [1]

2006 Oct 2 • 60
15 ₧
Sunny Meadow! Yes, its coming, now shut up and wait for it.
Should come next year.
NEway, I just thought i might start my own firetruck on it instead of stealing general zim's to post updates on my animation.
I've done the title, am working on the intro and first scene.
ok, STARTING the intro and working on the first scene.

go away

2006 Dec 4 at 00:58 UTC

2006 Dec 1 • 24
13 ₧
Update ;/
One liner jokes : Caution : May Die from laughterl Your mama is so hairy she got afros on her titties Your mama is so old she got dust bunnies under her rinkles Your mama lips are so fat she need a paint roller to apply lipstick
2006 Dec 10 at 20:14 UTC

2006 Oct 2 • 60
15 ₧

I've finished the intro scene. It's just a CT killing a few terrorists. It involves a gauss gun that never gets used (because i don't have the sound), a guerilla with dual uzis and a holy henade (HOLYGRENADE sfx from WormsWorldParty).
Then it fades into scene one

EDIT: I can now get all those sounds from McDiddy's 1 thanks to my sexy new .swf decompiler!
2006 Dec 11 at 06:13 UTC

2006 Oct 2 • 60
15 ₧

i'll do more when i can be bothered
2007 Feb 25 at 21:12 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
That looks awesome.
2007 Feb 28 at 23:19 UTC

2007 Feb 21 • -1274
"Nuclearblob" said:

i'll do more when i can be bothered

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2007 Mar 2 at 14:51 UTC

2006 Oct 2 • 60
15 ₧
guy decides to kill the radio, because he wants to listen to diddy but the other guy wants to listen to smb3. then the evil terrorist comes along in the pimpmobile, steals the radio, and goes away but with the black guy following him. Then i stopped working on it.
year 7 homework is a bitch. i can only wait until yr 12

November Edit: And half a years later, I QUIT SCHOOL. IN YOUR FACE, AUTHORITY!
2007 Apr 20 at 08:45 UTC
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