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If no one is around to see an error occur, then who knows if it happened at all

Recent posts by Muffles

Recent posts by Muffles

2011 Jun 25 at 17:47 PDT
Joining a new map in Hammer Mapping
Me and my brother are making maps and we can't join each others maps without getting an error connecting to server. We end up doing an alternative means of transferring maps. Why would this be?
2010 Jan 26 at 15:27 PST
Too Many Direct Lights in Hammer Mapping
Yes all are tied to buttons and one is blue one is yellow but most are white.
2010 Jan 26 at 14:44 PST
Too Many Direct Lights in Hammer Mapping
So I happened to get the Too Many Direct Lights error in my complie where it goes on for hours with one message: Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(?,?,?)

The room I'm using the lights on is a big Laboratory kind of room, around 4 lights in it and it still doesn't light it up well enough. Any ideas why 4 is a limit or how I could make it brighter?
2010 Jan 25 at 12:52 PST
Transparency in Hammer Mapping
That tutorial didn't really do anything for me sadly, could someone post step by step? Maybe start from the program used to make the texture and the textures name right down to what the entity properties are.
2010 Jan 25 at 12:26 PST
Transparency in Hammer Mapping
I'll try this and see what happens
2010 Jan 25 at 12:10 PST
Transparency in Hammer Mapping
Yes; I had made the dimensions 128 by 128 and its in 24 bit and ummm I named it {window
2010 Jan 25 at 11:57 PST
Transparency in Hammer Mapping
Um, So I made my texture 255 blue 24 bit 128x128, made the entity a func_wall, fit the texture, made it a solid and put the render at 255, still no luck on a transparency. any ideas?
2010 Jan 25 at 08:39 PST
Door Error in Hammer Mapping
I am actually trying my luck at a cartoon level, so bare with me on the bad models atm.
2010 Jan 25 at 08:38 PST
Door Error in Hammer Mapping
2010 Jan 25 at 08:27 PST
Door Error in Hammer Mapping
Yes, I could even supply a demo of what happens if needed.