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2010 Oct 4 at 16:21 UTC
Sound and trigger_multiple in Hammer Mapping
It's not a big map so it wont be a problem
2010 Oct 4 at 01:11 UTC
Sound and trigger_multiple in Hammer Mapping
In my map I comes a sound when a player picks up a kevlar, and it is only one on the map. The thing is that can I somehow prevent the sound from comming if the player allready have a kevlar from one of the last rounds? Or strip him from the kevlar the player allready have so the player can get a new one?
How can I get trigger_multiple only work once everyone round and reset itself the next round?
2010 Oct 3 at 15:51 UTC
spectator camera and Player start in Hammer Mapping
Thank you very much for the usful information.
Anyone else know the solution to the problem?
2010 Oct 3 at 05:49 UTC
spectator camera and Player start in Hammer Mapping
How do I get the spectator cameras to work?
How can 16+ player spawn from 10 player_start/deathmatch? I saw on de_nuke and there it was only 10 player on each team. So how can 16+ players spawn out of 10? And how many player_start/deathmatch should I have on each team?
2010 Oct 3 at 02:42 UTC
Sound in Hammer Mapping
I found it out by myself and thanks for the help
2010 Oct 3 at 02:08 UTC
Sound in Hammer Mapping
Ye thats excatly what I ment, do you know how to do it?
2010 Oct 3 at 00:09 UTC
Sound in Hammer Mapping
I want to add some custom sounds to my map.
How do I make a sound play every time I open a door? I have like 4 doors, but I'll use the same sound for every door, but I want the sound to come from the door, like the noisy door on de_nuke. I have one Armor on my map and I want to play a sound from that place when the player picks the armor up. It is just one armor there so I want the sound only to come once when a player takes the armor. So the sound is not playing more that round if a player walks over the spot and someone else have allready taken the armor.
2010 Aug 31 at 12:06 UTC
Spray logo problem in Hammer Mapping
You need to right click the file > Properties and make it Read-Only
2010 Aug 31 at 11:02 UTC
Camera wont work in Hammer Mapping
It have worked before but not after I installed Windws 7. I'll try to uppdate my grahpic card driver if I can find it.
And the worst part with installing Windows 7 is that I did forget to take backup of my map that I've been working on every now and then for almost a year ![]() edit: I'll upload a picture when I get home.
2010 Aug 30 at 11:23 UTC
Camera wont work in Hammer Mapping
The camera on the editor wont work.
It's just completly dark, cant see any of the blocks I've made. I can click in the camera screen to target things but I still cant see them. I use Windows 7 64 bit Valvle Hammer 3.4 |