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2010 Jun 23 at 14:32 UTC
ERROR HELP! in Hammer Mapping
some of your files is not where they should be. I mean .wad files. Have you moved them?
2010 Jun 23 at 12:15 UTC
max patches exceeded in Hammer Mapping
well i checked that already but i was thinking that you could give me a clearer answer.
So if my zhlt .bat file looks like this @echo off hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname hlbsp mapname hlvis mapname hlrad mapname Should i change it to be like this @echo off hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname hlbsp mapname hlvis mapname hlrad -sparse mapname ???? Should this work? or is there anyway i should change my map
2010 Jun 23 at 12:02 UTC
One-way func_illusionary in Hammer Mapping
okay thanks
2010 Jun 23 at 07:47 UTC
max patches exceeded in Hammer Mapping
how can i fix this? compile stopped at hlrad so I could test my map. of course it was fullbright.
there are some parts in my map that are not visible all the time but when you get very near them they are visible. so what can I do to avoid this. I have a pretty large map. I put some clip texture before when I got error max map clipnodes. that fixed it but this is a new one.
2010 Jun 22 at 16:19 UTC
One-way func_illusionary in Hammer Mapping
Is it possible to make a wall that when you can walk trought it from only one-way?
2010 Jun 19 at 21:17 UTC
Half-Life Deathmatch in Hammer Mapping
Thank you so much. I tried making map with cs fgd and it didn't work but this one does. thanks again
2010 Jun 19 at 21:07 UTC
Half-Life Deathmatch in Hammer Mapping
okay so I went to page and right-clicked halflife-op4.fgd link and selected save to disk.
Correctly done so far? selected game configuration from hammer and selected only op4 file. Looks good. at least correct entities Sorry for lots of messages. Noticed edit button just now
2010 Jun 19 at 21:04 UTC
Half-Life Deathmatch in Hammer Mapping
oh is this test like what fgd looks inside?
2010 Jun 19 at 21:04 UTC
Half-Life Deathmatch in Hammer Mapping
quick answer but don't understand anything about that.
just a lot of text to me... where should I put it? do I need to modify it? I just want to create half-life deathmatch map. how can it be so different from cs maps
2010 Jun 19 at 20:17 UTC
Half-Life Deathmatch in Hammer Mapping
Okay so I now enough about making maps for cs 1.6 and cz but if i'd like to create a map for Half-Life Opposing Force what do I need to know? Besides that you put player_starts all over the map and use weapon_*** entities?