Jack da Rippa

Jack da Rippa

User name
Jack da Rippa
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Registration date
2009 April 28
Post count
0 ₧
I'll rip ya a new arse!

Recent posts by Jack da Rippa

Recent posts by Jack da Rippa

2009 May 19 at 18:27 UTC
eDan Co. said:
Oh my god!!

Is there a good explaination as for why CornJer and FallingShit have the same IP?

what made you want to check that?

but omg yes its not me i knew it!
2009 May 2 at 15:18 UTC
omg.omg! OMG! in Vidja Games
Yes there is.

Its so fun to watch though.Just how it was done is funny.Even if it was horrible.
2009 May 2 at 15:05 UTC
superjer in User Discussions
Poor Supes
2009 May 2 at 15:00 UTC
I'm smarter with computers than i seem to be. How do you think im passing Spanish 2?
2009 May 2 at 07:19 UTC
omg.omg! OMG! in Vidja Games
I just watched it.it was...hilarious in many ways.but awesome too.
2009 May 2 at 06:30 UTC
omg.omg! OMG! in Vidja Games
This is..omg...
Read on Info!


You may need some things to Get it.
2009 May 2 at 05:49 UTC
liquid said:

Using Wadfile: \textures\dmsnowy.wad
- Warning: Larger than expected texture (218412 bytes): '3DMTRAILL'
- Contains 0 used textures, 0.00 percent of map (95 textures in wad)

2009 May 2 at 05:47 UTC
Ok now your In MY territory.
2009 May 2 at 02:10 UTC
theme song in General
Id like to wait till i can get back on Havokk edge -_-
2009 May 2 at 02:09 UTC
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