Big Boss

Big Boss

User name
Big Boss
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Registration date
2009 July 15
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Build the impossible
Compile the uncompilable

Row Row Fight The Power!

Recent posts by Big Boss

Recent posts by Big Boss

2011 Nov 29 at 19:47 UTC
McDiddys 3 in General
Duke Nukem Forever joke
Half Life 2:Episode Three joke
2011 Nov 29 at 17:42 UTC
You can't close off maps with transparent textures!

If you do so - you will get a leak and the map will fail to compile.
2011 Oct 15 at 19:03 UTC
sprinkles said:
No. That is a new feature they added in Hammer 4.1.

I see. Thanks for replying.
2011 Oct 15 at 09:27 UTC
Is it possible to have measurement units in the old GoldSrc hammer?


Source SDK

2011 Oct 15 at 09:05 UTC
SRAW said:
Or you could just select the flag in the func_breakable entity that says "Break on touch"

That's actually a better way of doing it, because if you shoot the brush prior to touching the trigger, it breaks again after touching the trigger even when there's no block.
2011 Sep 13 at 20:31 UTC
Rockbomb said:
You're very welcome good sir, I'm glad I could be of service.
Btw I <3 your name :D

Yours isn't quite too shabby as well my good lad. <3
2011 Sep 13 at 20:24 UTC
trigger_multiple targeted at the brush.

Thanks guys!
2011 Sep 13 at 12:57 UTC

How do I achieve this?
2010 Jan 8 at 21:26 UTC
RAD...extra? in Hammer Mapping
Rockbomb said:
It makes your map extra rad!

2010 Jan 8 at 20:27 UTC
RAD...extra? in Hammer Mapping
Can someone mind explaining what happens when you set RAD to extra in the compile menu?