DUHR DUHR DUHRDUHR DUHR DUHR Depends on your favorite genre. Ps3 has some great exclusives in each
DUHR DUHR DUHRcategory which are all pretty innovative. Here's my suggestions:
Rpg: Demon's souls(hard , but very rewarding)
Shooter: Killzone 2, MAG
Action: God of War 3( a bit goDUHR DUHR DUHRDUHR DUHR DUHRry though action packed and truly epic)
Adventure: Uncharted 2 (won many game of the year honors)
Puzzle : Heavy RDUHR DUHR DUHRain (actually interactive storytelling but its , a great expierence)
DUHR DUHR DUHR Family: Little Big Planet (obvious choice)DUHR DUHR DUHR