vehicles that controllable and have glass that breakable?

vehicles that controllable and have glass that breakable?

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2008 Sep 1 • 93
can we make a vehicles that have glass also can be breakable?
i have F-15 (a Jet) prefab. it has a glass on it, i want to make the glass breakable but the plane also can be controlled.
can i?
[Noobs] Lorenzo
2011 Oct 28 at 12:44 UTC
2011 Sep 10 • 24
im pretty sure you can using a multimanager. i used a door that moved and had breakable glass
2011 Nov 2 at 05:54 UTC
2010 Oct 28 • 59
Hey tell me how you do it, because i've been looking into this kind of stuff too but idk how to do it :P
Rune, and Tribe. Really not much to it.
I game, i saw, i conquered
2011 Nov 6 at 11:50 UTC

2008 Sep 1 • 93
vick said:
im pretty sure you can using a multimanager. i used a door that moved and had breakable glass

then how?
tell me how to use multi_manager.
[Noobs] Lorenzo
2011 Dec 21 at 05:50 UTC
2011 Sep 10 • 24
i wish a new and it seems like no one else does...
2012 Jan 14 at 08:09 UTC
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