I wanted to play SWJKJA multiplayer and while I can do that over xfire it doesn't offer the filters that the good old All-seeing Eye had. Unfortunately I can't find an installer of the ASE that would work. Does anyone know where I might find it?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 1 at 19:28 UTC
2009 Nov 1 at 19:44 UTC
Meh the game's mp isn't working for me for some reason anyway.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 2 at 11:44 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
What's the game you're referencing? I gave up on ASE and xfire a long time ago, Steam is just so much better for the games I have.
2009 Nov 2 at 15:59 UTC
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
It worked fine on single player but on multiplayer I had about 1 FPS even though I had the lowest settings. The same thing happens if I try to play CS in OpenGL (D3D mode works fine on 1280x800 though - unfortunately JA doesn't have D3D mode). Guess my video card's OpenGL support isn't very good.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 2 at 16:36 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Must not be. Surely there's a "software" option though, no? Also, what kind of card is it?
2009 Nov 2 at 17:34 UTC
Down Rodeo said: Must not be. Surely there's a "software" option though, no? Also, what kind of card is it?
Nah, don't think so. Because it doesn't even let you into the game if you don't have OpenGL support.
It's a mobility radeon 9200. This is on my laptop.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 2 at 17:36 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Okay, I think the real issue here is that you're playing Academy and not Outcast... wtf are you thinking? Or do you just like epic noob fests?
2009 Nov 2 at 23:41 UTC
Did we play outcast @ last lan? I remember wanting to...
Ooo you know what would be fun, a game like l4d2 with combat like jedi outcast. How cool would it be if you could throw a lightsaber at a tank's leg, slicing it off while your teammates combine force pushes to knock a train car on top of it?
2009 Nov 3 at 20:59 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
DO. WANT. Really, it's just wanting a lightsaber.
2009 Nov 3 at 22:39 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
Well, we'll make sure to play some Outcast at WinterNewYearLAN09-10. I'm sure we can get MikeJer and Gramma Jan in on it.
2009 Nov 4 at 00:56 UTC
aaronjer said: Okay, I think the real issue here is that you're playing Academy and not Outcast... wtf are you thinking? Or do you just like epic noob fests?
No, the real issue here is that I'm playing NEITHER of those two games because they both require OpenGL support. + the games are pretty much the same except that JA has lightsaber moves which are pretty useless. Mostly.
I play(ed) lightsaber only, no force powers FFAs.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 4 at 11:09 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
You apparently missed the problem. The issue is that in Jedi Academy every fucking move you make consumes force power. You swing up, force power down 25%. You swing sideways? Force power down 25%. You spend most of your time running away and recharging force power. It's fucking stupid.
In Jedi Outcast none of the lightsaber moves use force power. Not even the instant kill jump attack, front kick, side kick and jumping decapitate... overpowered or flamboyant as they are. In JA they TOOK OUT all the cool moves, like the ones I just mentioned. It has less moves, and the crappy ones that are left use huge piles of force power.
...and no force powers? Then how are you supposed to push noobs off the many precarious catwalks when they jump at the wrong time? That sounds stupid.
HAY JAKE! We should play moar Jedi Outcast on the line.
...oh, and putting your lightsaber away and kicking everyone to death is just plain brilliant.
2009 Nov 4 at 12:44 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 4 at 12:46 UTC
Should we really do it again? I mean, it was fun the first time
aaronjer said: You apparently missed the problem. The issue is that in Jedi Academy every fucking move you make consumes force power. You swing up, force power down 25%. You swing sideways? Force power down 25%. You spend most of your time running away and recharging force power. It's fucking stupid.
That's not really a problem since most servers I play on use the /set g_forceregentime with a very small number so the force power regenerates faster than you can possibly consume it.
aaronjer said: In Jedi Outcast none of the lightsaber moves use force power. Not even the instant kill jump attack, front kick, side kick and jumping decapitate... overpowered or flamboyant as they are. In JA they TOOK OUT all the cool moves, like the ones I just mentioned. It has less moves, and the crappy ones that are left use huge piles of force power.
So basically the problem with JA is that there are no incredibly overpowered moves?
aaronjer said: ...and no force powers? Then how are you supposed to push noobs off the many precarious catwalks when they jump at the wrong time? That sounds stupid.
No force powers because otherwise the duels become boring grip matches which means jumping around trying to grip your opponent into death. Also on tatooine, which is the most often used map, there are no precarious catwalks.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 5 at 20:37 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 5 at 21:24 UTC
Franklin Knight Lane
26th United States Secretary of the Interior
In office
March 6, 1912
2009 Nov 5 at 20:41 UTC
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 5 at 21:22 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 5 at 21:23 UTC
The special moves in JO aren't overpowered, they're just powerful. I can beat mikejer and aaronjer about half the time and I don't use them :)
2009 Nov 5 at 21:23 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 5 at 21:23 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
I'd say they ARE overpowered, just not incredibly overpowered. The important thing is that they are really fun and take skill to use. Someone who hasn't figured out how to use any of them yet, or who doesn't even know they exist (as the game never informs you about them) has very little if any chance against someone who does. But it seems appropriate that someone who doesn't know what most of the attacks are should probably lose. Once you've at least played against them and know how to counter or dodge them you don't have to use them to be able to win.
If you set the forceregentimer to a really small number everyone could just leave lightning on all day or heal non-stop... that would be extremely stupid. Essentially you're saying there is no playable way to have force powers turned on and use lightsabers. There is no problem with that in JO.
And Jake... WTF. You kick all the time. Quit being a tard.
When you duel in JO you can't use any non-lightsaber related force powers and you're invincible to outside interference and kick damage, so it doesn't matter where you fight or what the settings are. Very well balanced.
I have one very important question Mate. Have you played both extensively? I have. Without the myriad of special attacks that were in JO (most importantly the kicks, because they are so very much fun) the game feels like you're just waving sticks at each other until one of you falls down. And I know there are "kicks" in JA... they are not the same. They are a joke. The very small set of distinct attacks in JA are underpowered... every light saber move in JA is underpowered. It leaves you with no choice but to turn off force powers and then be bored fighting each other with bland and indistinct attacks... it's like... "Hooray! A new Jedi Knight game! Now with 75% less content!" WHY DOES ANYONE PLAY THAT GAME?!
Now a couple of the force power/special attack combinations... those ARE incredibly overpowered, even if they are extremely difficult to pull off. I don't think there's really any defense against the front kick/pull machine gun kick thing, other than hoping your opponent fucks it up or that someone else interferes. But it works out because both people can do it and hardly anyone ever even tries anyway. It also sucks up all your force power in the process, so you're in trouble afterwards if your opponent didn't die or someone else shows up right away.
2009 Nov 6 at 00:01 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 6 at 00:12 UTC
I wasn't counting kick as a special attack D: you silly rump roast.
2009 Nov 6 at 00:10 UTC
*****'n Admin

2005 Mar 21 • 5132
1,227 ₧
How is kicking not a special attack? Any attack the game never tells you how to use is pretty widely accepted as a special attack. Most people play through the whole singleplayer game without knowing about the unblockable uppercut, jump attack, decapitate, back stab, back swing, front kick and side kick. That's pretty much what categorizes them as special attacks.
They are also all of the attacks that either kill in one hit (or do enough to kill someone at full health, anyway) or are unblockable or both. No other attacks in the game can make those claims.
2009 Nov 6 at 00:19 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 6 at 00:22 UTC
Mate de Vita said: ...
I just didn't want to fell outside.
2009 Nov 6 at 13:58 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Nov 6 at 13:58 UTC
aaronjer said: I'd say they ARE overpowered, just not incredibly overpowered. The important thing is that they are really fun and take skill to use. Someone who hasn't figured out how to use any of them yet, or who doesn't even know they exist (as the game never informs you about them) has very little if any chance against someone who does. But it seems appropriate that someone who doesn't know what most of the attacks are should probably lose. Once you've at least played against them and know how to counter or dodge them you don't have to use them to be able to win.
So basically in JO if you're a noob like me, you can't win. See, at least in JA I can win against anyone except the guys who can actually play the game and those are rare.
aaronjer said: If you set the forceregentimer to a really small number everyone could just leave lightning on all day or heal non-stop... that would be extremely stupid. Essentially you're saying there is no playable way to have force powers turned on and use lightsabers.
Err... yeah, pretty much. As I said, I play on no FP servers.
aaronjer said: When you duel in JO you can't use any non-lightsaber related force powers and you're invincible to outside interference and kick damage, so it doesn't matter where you fight or what the settings are. Very well balanced.
aaronjer said: I have one very important question Mate. Have you played both extensively?
No, I have not. As a matter of fact the only thing I did on JO was reach a room that led to many other rooms and each of them had a different color sign above the doorway in the first level of SP. Then I had to replace my computer due to serious hardware malfunctions and never got around to installing it again.
aaronjer said: "Hooray! A new Jedi Knight game! Now with 75% less content!" WHY DOES ANYONE PLAY THAT GAME?!
Meh, the single player was fun while it lasted. On jedi master difficulty of course, the other difficulties are way too easy. But it was way too short, I finished it in about 2-3 days on master diff, plus the vs. Jedi fights are too easy compared to the fights against some other enemies. The only tough non-boss fight against a lightsaber user was the second time you fight a Reborn Master (which is right before you come outside to the valley of korriban or whatever that place with all the sith tombs is) because you can't grip-throw him of a ledge. Then again you can completely skip that fight by simply moving to the next level (which is the outside) but I still fought him to at least make that entire level mildly interesting.
I might install JO on the other computer and try out the MP (and maybe SP as well) when I finally manage to get to it, as for the laptop, if JA didn't work properly, JO probably won't either.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Nov 6 at 21:45 UTC
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