hello again
I wonder if it is possible to switch between 2 types of textures in a game/map. Let
2009 Dec 11 at 13:36 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Dec 11 at 14:01 UTC
Is it a map you made yourself or someone else's map?
Is it ony one texture in the map that's going to change or all the textures in the map?
2009 Dec 11 at 14:12 UTC
Hi killerduck
The map is made by myself and it
2009 Dec 14 at 12:08 UTC
Create a new wad with two new textures, the first texture should be named "+Ablah" the other one "+0blah". Cover the brush with the +Ablah texture and turn the brush into func_wall and give it a name. Then just trigger that name with a trigger. In-game the func_wall will change its texture from +Ablah to +0blah when you trigger it.
Don't use this too much in a map since the brush has to be turned into func_wall which doesn't block VIS...
2009 Dec 14 at 17:46 UTC
"Don't use this too much in a map since the brush has to be turned into func_wall which doesn't block VIS... "
?? What ??
Hmmm...bad misstake made by me, c
2009 Dec 15 at 05:39 UTC
patrik.maria said: "Don't use this too much in a map since the brush has to be turned into func_wall which doesn't block VIS... "
?? What ??
Hmmm...bad misstake made by me, c
2009 Dec 15 at 05:48 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Dec 15 at 06:04 UTC
so if i don
2009 Dec 15 at 09:27 UTC
2009 Dec 15 at 11:29 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Dec 15 at 11:34 UTC
must have missed something...but whenever i make a block it automaticly becomes a func_wall.....what to do then ??
How do i make it just a " word brush " ?
2009 Dec 15 at 13:15 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
If make something, it shouldn't become a func_wall, it should be a brush, that's what it is. Perhaps your terminology is mixed up? You have to tie the func_wall to the brush you create.
2009 Dec 15 at 13:57 UTC
hmm...i haven
2009 Dec 15 at 14:35 UTC
2009 Dec 15 at 15:09 UTC
well right now i not sure of anything, but if someone tells me that i should make the block just a " world brush " and not " func_wall" , then i must ask again, what do i do wrong ?
My blocks allways turnsupp to be " func_wall "....i
2009 Dec 17 at 05:50 UTC
WHY DONT U JUST SELECT UR TEXTURE and then make a new wall and leave it like that dont do anything, dont tie it to an entity or anything like that. just make a new wall where u want and just select the texture u want
hope this helps
melloyellow582 said: I post sometimes, to make a point.
2009 Dec 17 at 07:06 UTC
If it's really a func_wall automatically for some strange inexplicable reason, select it and go to Tools->Move to world (or press the ToWorld button on the right side of the hammer window).
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 Dec 17 at 12:55 UTC
fedex _ said: WHY DONT U JUST SELECT UR TEXTURE and then make a new wall and leave it like that dont do anything, dont tie it to an entity or anything like that. just make a new wall where u want and just select the texture u want
hope this helps
well my best helper/friend, what u say is precisly the way i do it. I just create a wall/box , add some texture...thats it...and the one has become a func_wall..........i don
2009 Dec 17 at 12:55 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Dec 17 at 12:55 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
reinstall hammer and maybe it will be fixed
2009 Dec 17 at 13:25 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I think our friend here is not entirely sure what a func_wall is. Personally. Because a default install of Hammer with default options wouldn't do that. So do as the nice duck says and TIE IT TO AN ENTITY.
2009 Dec 17 at 20:15 UTC
Down Rodeo said: I think our friend here is not entirely sure what a func_wall is. Personally. Because a default install of Hammer with default options wouldn't do that. So do as the nice duck says and TIE IT TO AN ENTITY.
How can he be nice if he has a Killer prefix to Duck? Does he kill you and then say please?
2009 Dec 18 at 02:51 UTC
— Ed. 2009 Dec 18 at 02:51 UTC
hello again...
I reinstalld the program and now...tada...no more func_wall by it self.
Tnx everyone, tnx alot !!
Tnx K-D for solving the original problem
2009 Dec 18 at 22:05 UTC
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