Superjer's Secret

Superjer's Secret

Other Help — Page [1]

2007 Aug 28 • 120
5 ₧
SuperJer, how did u create your flash? I know u use flash but like how? new keyframe, then drag the character then another keyframe then a new one? Or do you use guide layers, motion tweens. Give me all the details!
2007 Sep 8 at 20:27 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
I use a lot of different techniques depending on what's happening.

When characters are just walking along I use a motion tween. In the fighting sequence almost everything is frame-by-frame and tiny 3-4 frame tweens for partial movements.

You can see how I animated some things in the Playkit. It contains 2 scenes from McDiddy's 2 including a lot of the fight on top of the eclipse blocking machine.

I don't ever use guides. I don't know how to get them to work. I use a lot of masks, though.

Here's the timeline from some of the fight scene (the layer names don't really match):
2007 Sep 8 at 21:48 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
2007 Sep 8 at 22:04 UTC
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