Story by the fucked up minds of the Superjer Comunnity
Story by the fucked up minds of the Superjer Comunnity
Make awkward sexual advances, not war. Down Rodeo said: Dammit, this was the one place that didn't have this, but noooooo, molkman pisses all over that 
2008 Aug 6 at 08:21 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I gave up where Jrkookid started using quotes (no offence son).
2008 Aug 6 at 09:44 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
2008 Aug 6 at 17:49 UTC
Metal does cocaine.

2005 Mar 21 • 1531
36 ₧
Once a pawn a time, Jig Saw was on the Interwets and he done got a virus!
The virus re-ordered his filesystem and put oyster sauce on his keyboard so now matter how smart Jig Saw tried to sound it come out dumb and stinky.
But Jig Saw had a plan. If he could get the community behind it, he and the others could create a story so powerful and emotionally draining, it could kill the virus.
So Jig Saw went to the SuperJer Forum and put his letters and punctuation in a box and clicked "Hope."
Unfortunatly they refuse to help him.
Being So Bitterly Rejected he loses all hope and is about to give up.Then he got an Idea ...mabye if he could get a conversation going that was interesting and unquie there might still be a chance!
The next few minutes Jrkookid start getting the story on and he said this firetruck is a waste of time! but Jig Saw knew that he left the refrigerator freezer open and now he is about to catch a cold! and yet Jig Saw refuses to give up!
Barely able to sit up on Jigsaw goes endlessly typing. Hoping that mabye somehow he just might be able to reliquish the virus once and for all,But the virus seems to have a mind of its own.It throws pop-up and irrefusable offers but some how jigsaw manages to on!
And yet Jig Saw just happen to notice that there was a McDonalds right across the street! But when he enters the door he accidently got hit in the head with a soccer ball! And his memory has been lost! O NOEZ!!!! Then God knew that the only way for Jig Saw was to get back his memory and defeat the virus was to once again call in Havokk Edge , Jrkookid , Edan , Down Rodeo's help forming the SUPER AWESOME HEROIC BLAZEST IMMORTAL GALACTIC CONQUEST TEAM!!!!
Somehow Jigsaw finds his way home he explores it for awhile.Looking around he starts to remember a lil bit,but nothing of his quest to destroy the virus.Eventually he stumbles into the computer room and sees the computer.He gets on and pulls up the internet.Somehow was his homepage and Everything returned...HE REMEMBERED EVERYTHING,BUT before he could start back he suddenly just Blacked Out....
An hour later Jig Saw woke up.He saw a man with a purple furry suit and a cane. Then the man said Quote: I am Master Pimp Havokk. I am here to help you! They went to a limo and Havokk said. Lets go to Dakookid's House. Jig Saw's memory was coming back slightly. Moments later they arrived to a mansion with a highly advanced security system. A voice says Quote: Who's There? Havokk says Quote: It's me Havokk and with me is Jig Saw. The voice replies Quote: Excellent Then a door appears out of no where.
Havokk n Jig Saw enters through the door. Jig Saw a familiar face. He said. Hey there Jig Saw its me Jrkookid , a Spartan-II warrior from the distant future. Come with me to the Arsenal. There lies a section which has a red headband, a red suit, Some boots and a longsword. The encryption said "Vincent Valentine". Jig Saw puts on the armor and his entire memory comes back to him! The virus is no ordinary virus! It is an evil spirit which is trapped in his computer! The spirit's true form is very devastating. Jrkookid , Havokk , Edan , Down Rodeo and Jig Saw fought in a great war with this monster for hundreds of years!!! And now Jig Saw said " Lets Finish the Fight! "
So they suited up a walked up o the giant computer.Jigsaw went to the keyboard and typed something on the keyboard and pressed ENTER.then they were forcfully sucked into the computer.After they all arrived they started to thnk of thier next move.So they uploaded a cmpfire ad tent and sat around it.they though sinc it had been such a long day they would rest and continue tomarrow.As the sun sat they sat around the fire catching up with thier friens they hadnt seen in awhile.
The day final came for the final battle.for the battle had been brought to them.As they were all leaving the tent a army of small virus lined the horizon.Havokk lifted up his sword and gave a battle cry :"CRY HAVOKK!"everyones but Jig saw charged in with bullets and blades as Jigsaw stared down his most thoughtful enemy.The Virus itself.It stood on a hilltop on a crotch rocket and charged down at Jig Saw.
The battle took outside the computer and into another dimension where the great war was held. Havokk killed about 107 soldiers already I , Dakookid , Killed bout 112 soldiers with my sniper rifle while Jig Saw had a sword battle with "Supremus Omegas" AKA the virus. Our army was decreasing by 5% day after day. About 5 days later we called in a 1 Hour worth of Air STrikes to cover us while we are retreating. Now we must setup a battle plan!
so we upload an undergrond hideout and another fire.while resting Havokk gives Jigsaw his guns.He tells him that he left them at the camp be4 the fight and to not forget them next time.Jigsaw takes them shines them and loads them.He points one at Havokk and shoots him in the foot to release all the anger that he built up that day so he wouldnt go off.Then he puts them in his holister and goes off to bed
He wakes up. And sees everyone standing there.
And then everyone instantly died from implosion, due to an overexposure to System of a Down.
If you jump high enough you'll hurt your ankles when you land.
2008 Aug 12 at 07:30 UTC
— Ed. 2008 Aug 12 at 07:30 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Once a pawn a time, Jig Saw was on the Interwets and he done got a virus!
The virus re-ordered his filesystem and put oyster sauce on his keyboard so now matter how smart Jig Saw tried to sound it come out dumb and stinky.
But Jig Saw had a plan. If he could get the community behind it, he and the others could create a story so powerful and emotionally draining, it could kill the virus.
So Jig Saw went to the SuperJer Forum and put his letters and punctuation in a box and clicked "Hope."
Unfortunatly they refuse to help him.
Being So Bitterly Rejected he loses all hope and is about to give up.Then he got an Idea ...mabye if he could get a conversation going that was interesting and unquie there might still be a chance!
The next few minutes Jrkookid start getting the story on and he said this firetruck is a waste of time! but Jig Saw knew that he left the refrigerator freezer open and now he is about to catch a cold! and yet Jig Saw refuses to give up!
Barely able to sit up on Jigsaw goes endlessly typing. Hoping that mabye somehow he just might be able to reliquish the virus once and for all,But the virus seems to have a mind of its own.It throws pop-up and irrefusable offers but some how jigsaw manages to on!
And yet Jig Saw just happen to notice that there was a McDonalds right across the street! But when he enters the door he accidently got hit in the head with a soccer ball! And his memory has been lost! O NOEZ!!!! Then God knew that the only way for Jig Saw was to get back his memory and defeat the virus was to once again call in Havokk Edge , Jrkookid , Edan , Down Rodeo's help forming the SUPER AWESOME HEROIC BLAZEST IMMORTAL GALACTIC CONQUEST TEAM!!!!
Somehow Jigsaw finds his way home he explores it for awhile.Looking around he starts to remember a lil bit,but nothing of his quest to destroy the virus.Eventually he stumbles into the computer room and sees the computer.He gets on and pulls up the internet.Somehow was his homepage and Everything returned...HE REMEMBERED EVERYTHING,BUT before he could start back he suddenly just Blacked Out....
An hour later Jig Saw woke up.He saw a man with a purple furry suit and a cane. Then the man said Quote: I am Master Pimp Havokk. I am here to help you! They went to a limo and Havokk said. Lets go to Dakookid's House. Jig Saw's memory was coming back slightly. Moments later they arrived to a mansion with a highly advanced security system. A voice says Quote: Who's There? Havokk says Quote: It's me Havokk and with me is Jig Saw. The voice replies Quote: Excellent Then a door appears out of no where.
Havokk n Jig Saw enters through the door. Jig Saw a familiar face. He said. Hey there Jig Saw its me Jrkookid , a Spartan-II warrior from the distant future. Come with me to the Arsenal. There lies a section which has a red headband, a red suit, Some boots and a longsword. The encryption said "Vincent Valentine". Jig Saw puts on the armor and his entire memory comes back to him! The virus is no ordinary virus! It is an evil spirit which is trapped in his computer! The spirit's true form is very devastating. Jrkookid , Havokk , Edan , Down Rodeo and Jig Saw fought in a great war with this monster for hundreds of years!!! And now Jig Saw said " Lets Finish the Fight! "
So they suited up a walked up o the giant computer.Jigsaw went to the keyboard and typed something on the keyboard and pressed ENTER.then they were forcfully sucked into the computer.After they all arrived they started to thnk of thier next move.So they uploaded a cmpfire ad tent and sat around it.they though sinc it had been such a long day they would rest and continue tomarrow.As the sun sat they sat around the fire catching up with thier friens they hadnt seen in awhile.
The day final came for the final battle.for the battle had been brought to them.As they were all leaving the tent a army of small virus lined the horizon.Havokk lifted up his sword and gave a battle cry :"CRY HAVOKK!"everyones but Jig saw charged in with bullets and blades as Jigsaw stared down his most thoughtful enemy.The Virus itself.It stood on a hilltop on a crotch rocket and charged down at Jig Saw.
The battle took outside the computer and into another dimension where the great war was held. Havokk killed about 107 soldiers already I , Dakookid , Killed bout 112 soldiers with my sniper rifle while Jig Saw had a sword battle with "Supremus Omegas" AKA the virus. Our army was decreasing by 5% day after day. About 5 days later we called in a 1 Hour worth of Air STrikes to cover us while we are retreating. Now we must setup a battle plan!
so we upload an undergrond hideout and another fire.while resting Havokk gives Jigsaw his guns.He tells him that he left them at the camp be4 the fight and to not forget them next time.Jigsaw takes them shines them and loads them.He points one at Havokk and shoots him in the foot to release all the anger that he built up that day so he wouldnt go off.Then he puts them in his holister and goes off to bed
He wakes up. And sees everyone standing there.
And then everyone instantly died from implosion, due to an overexposure to System of a Down.
But then suddenly System of a Down broke up, and aliens decide to take over the world.
Only a few ppl survive, but SRAW leads the human resistance.
This is better known as the 6hour war and half life 2
2008 Aug 12 at 09:14 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
2008 Aug 13 at 03:40 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
but maybe i just happen to be gordan freeman...
2008 Aug 13 at 03:44 UTC
Half Irish, half NOT FUNNY

2007 May 27 • 1415
110 ₧
SRAW said: but maybe i just happen to be gordan freeman...
hes not in this story either!
2008 Aug 13 at 04:06 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
i love how i broke up thi s tread
2009 May 8 at 06:53 UTC
SRAW said: i love how i broke up thi s tread
I can't believe I'm saying this but me too...
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2009 May 8 at 11:42 UTC
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2009 May 8 at 16:21 UTC