Stop another music when i play a music and chance game

Stop another music when i play a music and chance game

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2011 May 2 • 7
First sorry for my bad English :( and i want to say everybody Hi
I am new at there . I am trying to learn Vhe. I want to ask something. I want to add 4 music in my map. I add them with ambient_generic and with button. I start one of them. And i want to start another one with stop first one. How can i do something like stop playing first and play second with one button? When i press third it stop all of playing musics and just starting third.
And my second question. I want to make chance game like dice with just one button. Every pressing show differnt numbers from 1 to 6. I see that on one jail break map and i want to learn how can i do this?
Sorry for my bad English again. But i will learn carefully :)
2011 May 2 at 19:15 UTC
2011 May 2 • 7
Anybody isnt know? Thanks any way. My first question from jb_mountains. The sec. one from jail_beach maps. Something like monopoly.Thanks again.
2011 May 4 at 17:35 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
onurmert06 said:
Anybody isnt know? Thanks any way. My first question from jb_mountains. The sec. one from jail_beach maps. Something like monopoly.Thanks again.

Ah, jailbait mountains... sounds like a beautiful place

Anywho, Idk much about VHE, but you could try setting up a trigger multiple, and have it trigger one music to turn on, and the other to turn off. I have no idea if this will work, or can even be done, but it sounds right... xD
2011 May 4 at 17:43 UTC
2011 May 2 • 7
Thanks for reply but i want to learn how? How can i setup trigger_multiple like it?
2011 May 9 at 18:34 UTC
2010 Oct 28 • 59
The trigger_multi will have the problem that if you turn on 2 when 1 isn't running, itll turn both on :/
Rune, and Tribe. Really not much to it.
I game, i saw, i conquered
2011 May 21 at 16:36 UTC
Page [1]