Soo much lag

Soo much lag

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2008 Jan 23 • 86
Ok im making a surf map, and as you probably know, surf ramps are huge. Ive made mine so that there is no extra space and its fairly small, and compiles quickly, but when im in game, there so much lag and choppy-ness I cant play

Anyway I could fix this other then making my map smaller?

ps.Is there any other map making programs?
2008 Feb 12 at 00:04 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Do you have any unusual entities? Anything other than player starts and lights?

Do you have any huge, non-sky surfaces?

Try scaling your textures way up.
2008 Feb 12 at 19:41 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
ok ty.. I found out the problem, I had 4 huge walls around my map and only the top part being a sky. I took out the walls so now there is only the bottom place where you walk... but you cant see the floor (its an AAAtrigger, teleporting you to jail)
so are AAAtriggers invisible? because I guess i should make an AAAtrigger teleporting to jail and a textured floor underneath it to make you be able to see it.. thanks
2008 Feb 12 at 22:16 UTC — Ed. 2008 Feb 12 at 22:36 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6655
Yes, triggers are non-solid.

If you make a huge textured floor, scale UP the texture on it to reduce lag.
2008 Feb 13 at 18:34 UTC
2008 Jan 23 • 86
2008 Feb 14 at 21:57 UTC
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