So anyways III

So anyways III

General — Page [1]

Badass Mothafucka Medal
2006 May 21 • 287
216 ₧
Now we find our Hero/me at work in the brush at about 10am or working with 2 others setting chokes {thats wraping cables around cut tree's}...anyways I better go into that with more info for you "tards"..setting chokes is a very manly job..shit you would know nothing of...anyways...what happens is there is a GIANT tower / Crane look looking deal on the landing{ I covered landing in other stories..dont be a "Tard" and say whats a landing } anyways..On the tower is a ass load of cable that runs to the tail end/ tree line where tree's still are standing..OMG...the crane opp /guy..never seen a chic do it / told you its man work..anyways...the cable runs back and forth tower ..the tower dude sends the cables in slow or fast..more shit you know nothing of..BUT if you listen you will learn.."DONT make me go over this twice ! " anyways im in the brush with 2 others waiting on chokers/cables..the get lowered down to use and we wrap up the logs..Ok now it seams like your starting to understand this shit "Good"..anyway..been doing that stupid shit since 7am or so..Now my boss the hooktender{ thats what they call um} he starts doing these crazy "BEEP" on his talkie tooter..{thats a deal that does morse code like crap to tower guy} more shit that too deep to explain to you tards....anyways..we all stop and look back to see WTF is going on ..well i have too say i was the first to see a Large black ass/ black bear back there boss / hooktender was trying to ride the rigging up in the air to get away from the bear..well once we fig out what the hell he was doing we all went to the landing and left his poor ass back there { much safer} anyways .he was stuck in the trees for about 25 min till the bear left..mean while our hero/me was on the landing have lunch watching all this develop from a safe spot{ that poor bastard}..well the bear finaly left and I had to go back to work bummer dude ! thats surfer talk btw...anyways that wraps up 2days story..untill next time !
2006 Jun 10 at 02:00 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6680
Homesluce is a genius and we are lucky to have him.
2006 Jun 10 at 07:03 UTC

2006 Jun 10 • 3
19 ₧
Homeslice is a TARD.. that is all
2006 Jun 11 at 15:24 UTC
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