scary fog

scary fog

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2009 May 1 • 8
Ey everyone.
I'm making this really nice zm_ map, for zombie mod.
I'm kind of a newb at mapping, but i learn pretty fast, thnx a lot for the tut it was really helpful.
But I just can't seem to figure out how to make fog,mist that you can see on some zombie maps, you know that dark dense fog at about knee level.
Also how do i make the map dark like that but people still being able to see themselves and outline of others getting closer? This mite not make much sense but i hope you understand what I'm trying to do

PS: I don't have a zombie mod server myself so I can't really test everything, I'm only making it for a friend's server
2009 May 1 at 14:36 UTC — Ed. 2009 May 1 at 14:43 UTC

2009 May 1 • 8
also I seemed to get an error like "cannot ind file specified"
I checked and rechecked the paths, but no problem there. Later I deleted a rope I made and and the problem was gone! I'm thinking that the rope was to small or something, cause I remade it a little wider ,with the same texture, and the map compiled just fine.
So I'm asking was my assumption correct, and should i avoid making small circular of any other objects like that?
2009 May 1 at 14:41 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
Real fog is supported only by the Quake 3 engine, not Quake 1 (which is what HL, or CS, uses).

You can however create many see-through grayish brushes to simulate fog. Read the FAQ for information on custom textures (unless you have the gray you need) and see-through brushes. Make sure your brushes are func_illusionary (and not func_wall) so players will be able to walk through the 'fog'.
May contain traces of invisible text.
2009 May 1 at 14:44 UTC
eDan Co.
Mighty Typist

Real Live Hands-On Rabbi Medal
Consolation Medal
2007 Sep 24 • 2921
252 ₧
While I was answering his first question, NewbkilleR said:
also I seemed to get an error like "cannot ind file specified"
I checked and rechecked the paths, but no problem there. Later I deleted a rope I made and and the problem was gone! I'm thinking that the rope was to small or something, cause I remade it a little wider ,with the same texture, and the map compiled just fine.
So I'm asking was my assumption correct, and should i avoid making small circular of any other objects like that?

Are you sure it said 'cannot find the file'?
And when you say 'circular', do you mean you used the cylinder? That can go bad if your brush is really small.
May contain traces of invisible text.
2009 May 1 at 14:47 UTC

2009 May 1 • 8
1st I don't think the transparent brush thing is the way other people did it, I mean on most zm maps have fog like that, if I think for a minute I guess it could be included in the mod itself?
but anyway shouldn't all of those masked brushes reduce the FPS? thus making the whole map lag a bit?...well at least while your looking at them.

2nd well it was a rope I made it a 6 sided cylinder so yeah. But I also saw this problems whit other small brushes I had, said it couldn't find the file. but after i deleted the brushes the error didn't come up.
I'm guessing there is some kind of problem with the compile tools and small brushes, or maybe textures applied to the smallest faces of the brushes.

well anyway thnx for the fast reply. I'm going to check out if the fog thing is mod-related
2009 May 1 at 15:04 UTC — Ed. 2009 May 1 at 15:06 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
About fog, apart from the old trick eDan Co. mentioned there is also the env_fog-entity. But that will apply fog to the whole map and will only be visible for people running the game in OpenGL-mode if I remember correctly...
2009 May 1 at 16:10 UTC

2009 May 1 • 8
How didn't i notice that?
Anyway I'm going to try that env_fog when i get home. thnx!
But is there any way to limit the fog in certain areas. I mean isn't there an brush entity or something that i can use to block the fog?
By the way did anyone here ever make a zombie map?
2009 May 2 at 08:04 UTC — Ed. 2009 May 2 at 08:05 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
NewbkilleR said:

But is there any way to limit the fog in certain areas. I mean isn't there an brush entity or something that i can use to block the fog?

Not for env_fog. If you only want fog in a specific place you need to make it as edan told you.
2009 May 2 at 14:48 UTC

2009 May 1 • 8
Ahh ok.
No I'm not doing it Edans way cause there would be to big an area with masked textures, it would just make the whole map lag
But anyway I found out that the whole fog-thing is included in zombiemod. I just wanted to use fog in other maps, but forget it thread closed
2009 May 3 at 07:49 UTC
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