Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I've bloody well had it, I've just seen a post in the Hammer section containing the abomination "thank ` s" (a grave? Really?) and I have had enough, it is not fucking difficult! I was considering posting a guide to using the apostrophe a while back but I thought "screw it" and didn't but my inner Nazi can TAKE NO MORE.
So I direct you to this website in the hopes that you (you know who you are) will all leave a little smarter and less error-prone, for the sake of my already tenuous grip on sanity.
Since the website does not place a big enough focus on (for me) the difference between "your" and "you're" I will recap here: "your" is for indicating ownership, "your cat", "your dog", "your shit grammar", and so on. The other case is a contraction of "you are", e.g. "you're shit at grammar", "you're driving me slowly to a state of mental instability", "you are going to do better from now on!" or else.
2009 Nov 12 at 11:50 UTC