Really weird thing.

Really weird thing.

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2011 Aug 15 • 74
Made a map, did a compile test when it was not yet done, it was much smaller than other maps that I've made, leaf-thread took 12 hours, and my PC is pretty good, it took 6hrs to compile a massive map for me, And I did not have a sky box just a wide open area.

Anyway I removed some stuff that were made out of Vertex Manipulation, and made it more simple it still took way too long.
I re-made the map but used somethings again and it was pretty small of a map and still took more than 5hrs at 40% leafthread.
I removed some stuff it still took too-long.

I tried compiling previous maps it didn't any second longer.
I can't really post any compile log since they were several compiles tho I had some leaf

I've fixed it, I made 7 wooden bridges that contain about 15 vertex made 'wooden' pieces and 30 vertex made 'rope' pieces, and they're really small. Removed those and it compiled in less of an hour.
2012 Jul 16 at 05:10 UTC — Ed. 2012 Jul 17 at 13:59 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Do you have a leak or not?
2012 Jul 17 at 00:48 UTC
2011 Aug 15 • 74
No leak.

I've fixed it, I made 7 wooden bridges that contain about 15 vertex made 'wooden' pieces and 30 vertex made 'rope' pieces, and they're really small. Removed those and it compiled in less of an hour.
2012 Jul 17 at 13:59 UTC
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