Problems spawning

Problems spawning

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Aug 15 • 5
17 ₧
hi guys, ive made a square map with a T spawn and a CT spawn and with a light in the middle. The map works fine except when i start the map CS is starting up and im walking around in the room with no crosshair, weapon, hud and that stuff. I was just wondering how you get buyzones (ive heard the talk about the func_buyzone. Is that an entity?)and how you spawn with knife and pistol.

Thank you guys!!!!
2006 Aug 15 at 19:04 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
There's nothing wrong with your spawns, the game is just in single-player mode. Go the the game menu and start a new game on your map to fix your problem.

Single-player mode can be useful for debugging because you have access to console commands like:

sv_cheats 1
gl_wireframe 1
gl_wireframe 2


You will automatically have buyzones around your player starts if you do not create func_buyzones.

To create a func_buyzone, make a large brush, texture it with AAATRIGGER and select it and press Ctrl+T. Choose func_buyzone from the list.
2006 Aug 16 at 00:29 UTC
2006 Aug 15 • 5
17 ₧
Wow was it that easy? Im feeling like a noob now hehe.... But thank you very much for the nice help superjer!!!
2006 Aug 16 at 06:32 UTC
My vagina can talk! It says, "Help!"

2006 Jul 5 • 168
18 ₧
superjer your the best!
@( o_o )@
2006 Aug 16 at 08:14 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6687
Aww gawrsh you guys!!
2006 Aug 17 at 07:20 UTC
Page [1]