problem once game started opening

problem once game started opening

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2007 Jan 6 • 8
12 ₧
i got the map made and everything and spots put in no ere file made then when i pressed a key to continue the Cs started opening but the map wouldnt load? then i got some wierd error message and cs shut down

says cant open the wad file for some reason.
2007 Jan 6 at 02:13 UTC
2007 Jan 6 • 8
12 ₧
wait when i make walls i have to overlap everyone. b/c i keep noticen the error thing tells me there is a hole in the map but i dont know am i suppose to overlap or not?
2007 Jan 6 at 05:39 UTC
2007 Jan 10 • 31
12 ₧
"sportsmant" said:
wait when i make walls i have to overlap everyone. b/c i keep noticen the error thing tells me there is a hole in the map but i dont know am i suppose to overlap or not?

Yes, just join the to walls together, and recompile your map and you should be fiine. I get these error's often myself
(\__/) (+'.'+) Bunny is taking over the world!! (")_(")
2007 Jan 12 at 04:17 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Overlapping is ok, it just makes things messy for you, the mapper.

If there is ANY hole no matter how small that goes to the "outside" then you'll have a leak.
2007 Jan 12 at 06:38 UTC
Page [1]