No but for reals, I have error.php which handles all my errors and displays a user friendly 'error' page (and if its an admin tells them the error). It also does fancy things like log the error and notify me.
So naturally, when we encounter an error I want to send the error to error.php.
For example:
I spill some soap (the gel kind, because you can't really spill a bar [unless you melt it]) on my database. index.php phreaks out cause it can't connect to the database. So it sends the data/error to error.php. Then error.php nicely says "THE FUCKING DATABASE IS BROKEN D: ," logs the error, and notifies me.
That's pretty much what I want to happen.
I did accomplish this using sessions (and after displaying the error page we set the session['error'] back to null). But is there anyother way?