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Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2006 Apr 9 • 1
21 ₧
Heeeeeeello everybody!
Wow! I really liked this Hammer and ZHLT! But, I have a little problem.
My map is done and all of that and apperently is working. But when I launch the file, the map isn't coming up

Can anyone help me?



forgot one thing: Counter-strike launches and I'm in the normal menu (New game, find servers and so on)



Okay, so I checked it out and changes some folders around and now it launched better. But it still won't work. In the console it says "couldn't find the map overviews/mapname.txt" So I created one, but noooo it didn't work anyway.

2006 Apr 9 at 01:39 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6681
Check to see if your BSP file was generated and copied to your game's maps\ folder. If you find it there, just load it normally, by creating a new game or etc..

If not, check in your compile folder. If it's there, it just didn't copy correctly.

If not again, something failed in your compile process. Check for an ERR file and open it in Notepad (ex: mapname.err)
2006 Apr 9 at 05:19 UTC
Page [1]