Password recovery system?

Password recovery system?

General — Page [1]
2013 Sep 26 • 9
Hello there folks!

A question for SuperJer:

Why is there no Password Recovery option?!

I just had to make a new user to be able to ask you lol. Kinda annoying. I don't wish to make new users every time.(And NO I will not remember my password)
Tried all my passwords on my other acc: LORDOFTHISWORLD but none seemed to work..

Grateful for any answers!
2013 Sep 26 at 21:14 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Well it's mostly because I'm lazy. And also because I'm stupid.

It's really that I'm lazy and stupid. Thanks for coming.
2013 Sep 27 at 05:50 UTC
My points value is a hilarious example of numerical humor.

2009 Dec 13 • 567
80,085 ₧
It's because you are not the lord of this world ... that's a blasphemy to Apator.
2013 Sep 28 at 19:07 UTC
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