One side of a brush

One side of a brush

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2008 Nov 28 • 41
How do you get a different texture for single sides of a brush?

I ask because I'm told you're supposed to NULL everything that people can't see, but so far I've only be able to change the texture of the whole thing.

Also... I'm told if you allow there to be empty space between where you are and the next room over, that it cuts down on r_speeds because you don't have to load the data for that room until you can either see it or your line of sight isn't impeded by dead space (and by this, I mean completely unused, black space with nothing on it). I was wondering if there has to be a certain amount for that to work...? For example, can I build my walls with a teeny tiny amount of dead space and get my r_speeds down?

Thanks for your help
2008 Nov 28 at 22:14 UTC

2008 May 25 • 144
shift + A and select a side and texture
2008 Nov 28 at 23:13 UTC

2008 Nov 28 • 41
newbie said:
shift + A and select a side and texture


Anyone know about the second thing?
Thanks for your help
2008 Nov 28 at 23:51 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Not sure. But then unless your map is hugely horribly complicated I doubt you'll have r_speed issues.
2008 Nov 29 at 01:10 UTC

2008 Nov 28 • 41
Hey that doesn't work!

I can select a single face, but it won't let me apply a different texture to it!

What gives?


(((EDITED)))P.S. I didn't realize you had to hit the 'apply' button instead of using the regular button on the left side.

Thanks for your help
2008 Nov 30 at 06:30 UTC — Ed. 2008 Nov 30 at 06:31 UTC
Homicidal Anatidae

2008 Mar 5 • 1169
633 ₧
With the texture application up(Shift+A) you can also right-click on a face in the camera-view to directly paint the current selected texture on a face.
2008 Nov 30 at 15:49 UTC
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