2006 Sep 11 • 115
16 ₧
Hi, sorry for my english, but I need help with VHE (CS 1.6) How to make a shadows like in standart maps... It like a sun, the shadows is the same angle.. And I was open standart map by WINBSP and there was no LIGHT Entities (except the LIGHTS in the lamps) But Im a little skilled Mapper and I know that LIGHT entities still can`t be a sun light, I tried to make LIGHT_ENVIROINMENT but there is no shadows too.... It just high lag like in not full compiled map.. I think it is something with SKY or MAP PROPERTIES but I cant find it... I guess from VHE I dont know only this =D
P.S. (there is not necessary to make a *.BAT file to compile it, and always when you built a new map you have to rename it to the same like was or always edit that *.BAT file, I`ve a better idea... VHE can add ZHLT Plugins in it self, you just need to configure it in TOOLS>OPTIONS:BUILT PROGRAMS... And when compiling it always show the error, and sometimes writes how to fix it.... ;] )
I want to make a HL mod! Doing everythig with HL except coding C++ | its not interesting to work alone
2006 Sep 11 at 08:56 UTC