My final say on getting flash

My final say on getting flash

General — Page [1]
2006 Feb 25 • 1
23 ₧
Hmm... you guys really are a pain saying that you cant get macromedia flash mx 2004.. .. I have it and always had it for free just download limewire and after you do install limewire.. goto programs and type in Flash MX 2004

Get that one Then extract files to somewhere convienient like desktop then you will probley get a folder with a readme file and then follow the instrustions from there...

Yes i know thats illegal and stuff but with good reason for some people to be able to make flashes without having to pay 400 dollars or use some other crappy flashmaker thats not as good as Macromedia.

Please dont kick me out of the forum i just wanted to help people.

DISCLAIMER: I will not be held responsible if you get any viruses from limewire. Which ive had it for 3 years and still havent gotten one
2006 Feb 25 at 21:11 UTC
Was: pwnisher
2005 Apr 23 • 94
33 ₧
most people get programs from either bit torrent my favorite is azureus. or sites such as phazzeddl. i only reccommend pirating to learn about the program and once you get a job, make money, or profit in any way from it you should go ahead and buy it. The people who work on those programs really need the money ( the small companies really need it the most )
i dont reccomend limewire due to the viruses and the ease to be tracked, i only use it to dl a song that i want to hear before getting it from somewhere else.
2006 Feb 27 at 18:13 UTC
Captain Signupnow

Most Australian Medal
2005 Apr 4 • -201
thats illegal ReDZX.
i dont like signatures. although there are some good ones out there
2006 Mar 5 at 11:50 UTC
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