Mr. aaronjer

Mr. aaronjer

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Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
aaronjer said:
You sure have a lot of stupid shit running on your computer to be complaining about multiple instances.

I don't even recognize what half of those things are, and therefore they do not need to be running.

Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants, lets see whats not an essential process that is running on idle.

csrss [win32 console]
lsass [security policy man.]
svchost [instances 7]
system [default system counter]
system idle process [system counter cpu]
winlogon [login logout procedures]
ceepwrsvc [battery monitor]
ivpsvmgr [toshiba software monitor/updater]
.:Hardware Drivers:.
acs [network card]
agrsmsvc [sound card driver]
apntex [touchpad driver]
apoint [touchpad software]
dvdramsv [dvd/cd drive driver]
starwindserviceae [alcohol driver]
cdac11ba [copyright protection?]
gbtray [roxio?]
lexbces [lexmark]
lexpps [lexmark]
mdnsresponder [apple]

Well five out of twenty-three processes sure thats close to 11 and a half. Oh wait its not.
Care to open your mouth again?
2009 Sep 29 at 21:11 UTC — Ed. 2009 Sep 29 at 21:22 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
2009 Sep 29 at 21:52 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5001
1,227 ₧
I count 14 things that don't need to be running on there. You suck at math.

Running your computer on idle, meaning not doing anything, means you should be running no more than two or three processes that do not start up with a clean windows install. That is, IF you're someone who is bitchy about excess processes. It doesn't really make any real difference most of the time. You, however, specifically pointed out that you don't like extra processes running and then show that you have all KINDS of non-essential bullshit running on there. Software update monitors? And more than one of them?! REALLY?! You think you have any room at all to talk about too many processes?!
2009 Sep 29 at 22:55 UTC — Ed. 2009 Sep 29 at 23:01 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧
aaronjer said:
That is, IF you're someone who is bitchy about excess processes. It doesn't really make any real difference most of the time. You, however, specifically pointed out that you don't like extra processes running and then show that you have all KINDS of non-essential bullshit running on there.

I specifically pointed out that there was, and is, no need for multiple instances of the same process save for service host.

There is no reason for a pissing contest here, but if you wish I am game.
2009 Sep 30 at 01:14 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5001
1,227 ₧
Shouldn't I be the one saying that? You can't start an argument and then declare that you'll go along with it! For god's sake, man, have you even read the argument protocol section of the handbook yet?
2009 Sep 30 at 04:05 UTC

Chrome Whore
2009 Sep 6 • 2547
10 ₧

You know if you burn yourself with hot wax and peel it off, the first layer of skin comes with it.
2009 Sep 30 at 04:45 UTC
*****'n Admin

Comrade General 5-Star
2005 Mar 21 • 5001
1,227 ₧
Maybe YOURS does. If you knew what you were doing your skin wouldn't just come off so easily. My skin stays attached and in working order until it is removed.
2009 Sep 30 at 08:05 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I like hot wax. But really I think the point "there shouldn't have to be two copies of processes" is a bit of a silly one. Some need two for good design reasons as I outlined in the other truck. And feel for me, I'm on x64 Vista! I've managed to get it to 54 with a small amount of tweaking, but that was mostly uninstalling all the crap it came with.

EDIT: 54 running processes that is. Including task manager and FireFox at the moment.
2009 Sep 30 at 09:49 UTC — Ed. 2009 Sep 30 at 09:50 UTC
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