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More c halp

Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Ok so lets say I have a text file that reads

I want it to rotate 90 degrees to the right and then the whole thing gets inverted, I know how to invert it, but rotating it seems a bit hard so please help
Free Steam Games
2012 Jan 25 at 23:51 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I was going to screenshot this thread and rotate it then post the image, but that's more work than telling you to read the file into an array then index the bits you need and put that into a second array (because it is not an in-place transform).

[0] [1] [2] In this setup, the numbers are the indexing
[3] [4] [5] variables for the array. Zero moves to two,
[6] [7] [8] etc. There will be some formula governing the
transform but you can work that out :)
2012 Jan 26 at 01:17 UTC — Ed. 2012 Jan 26 at 01:18 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Well you see, the file isn't a small square, but is quite large, and honestly I have no idea how to figure it out, and I hoped there would be some function that someone made that rotates arrays, but apparently not...
Free Steam Games
2012 Jan 26 at 01:30 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
and also it's not a square, but a rectangle
Free Steam Games
2012 Jan 26 at 01:32 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
No thanks to dr's help, I fixed it

I had to put the breathe of the map file before the height, soooo yeah
Free Steam Games
2012 Jan 26 at 01:53 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
And fyi here's the whole thing, that finally works, and it's for this online game
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE * thefile;
FILE * savefile;
thefile = fopen(argv[1],"r");
savefile = fopen(argv[2],"w");
printf("%s has been successfully opened\nWriting to %s\n",argv[1],argv[2]);
printf("%s failed to open... exiting",argv[1]);
int i,o,k,h,b;
int p = 0;
char *t_name[52];
int t_loc[52];
t_name[0] = ".";
t_loc[0] = 0;
t_name[1] = "%";
t_loc[1] = 30;
t_name[2] = ",";
t_loc[2] = 60;
t_name[3] = "@";
t_loc[3] = 90;
t_name[4] = "0"; //0 = black tile = error
t_loc[4] = 120;
t_name[5] = "^";
t_loc[5] = 150;
t_name[6] = "0";
t_loc[6] = 180;
t_name[7] = "^";
t_loc[7] = 210;
t_name[8] = "-";//aws doesn't save road data, it fixes road on program
t_loc[8] = 1;
t_name[9] = "[";
t_loc[9] = 2;
t_name[10] = "]";
t_loc[10] = 32;
//t_name[11] = "-";//aws doesn't save road data, it fixes road on program
//t_loc[11] = 1;
t_name[12] = "{";//aws also doesn't save river data
t_loc[12] = 3;
t_name[13] = ",";//aws doesn't save data on sea
t_loc[13] = 60;
t_name[14] = "(";//aws doesnt save data on shoals
t_loc[14] = 39;
// t_name[15] = "-";
//t_loc[15] = 1;
// t_name[16] = "@";
// t_loc[16] = 90;
// t_name[17] = "@";
// t_loc[17] = 90;
t_name[18] = "0";//awbw upload function doesn't have data for pipes
t_loc[18] = 16;
t_name[19] = "0";
t_loc[19] = 226;
t_name[20] = "0";
t_loc[20] = 167;
// t_name[21] = "0";
// t_loc[21] = 167;//aws doesn't save data on damaged pipe type
t_name[22] = "i";
t_loc[22] = 44;
t_name[23] = "e";
t_loc[23] = 45;
t_name[24] = "f";
t_loc[24] = 46;
t_name[25] = "g";
t_loc[25] = 47;
t_name[26] = "h";
t_loc[26] = 48;
t_name[27] = "o";
t_loc[27] = 54;
t_name[28] = "j";
t_loc[28] = 55;
t_name[29] = "l";
t_loc[29] = 56;
t_name[30] = "m";
t_loc[30] = 57;
t_name[31] = "n";
t_loc[31] = 58;
t_name[32] = "t";
t_loc[32] = 64;
t_name[33] = "p";
t_loc[33] = 65;
t_name[34] = "q";
t_loc[34] = 66;
t_name[35] = "r";
t_loc[35] = 67;
t_name[36] = "s";
t_loc[36] = 68;
t_name[37] = "y";
t_loc[37] = 74;
t_name[38] = "u";
t_loc[38] = 75;
t_name[39] = "v";
t_loc[39] = 76;
t_name[40] = "w";
t_loc[40] = 77;
t_name[41] = "x";
t_loc[41] = 78;
t_name[42] = "5";
t_loc[42] = 84;
t_name[43] = "1";
t_loc[43] = 85;
t_name[44] = "2";
t_loc[44] = 86;
t_name[45] = "3";
t_loc[45] = 87;
t_name[46] = "4";
t_loc[46] = 88;
t_name[47] = "a";
t_loc[47] = 95;
t_name[48] = "b";
t_loc[48] = 96;
t_name[49] = "c";
t_loc[49] = 97;
t_name[50] = "d";
t_loc[50] = 98;
for(i=0; i<10; i++)
o = fgetc(thefile); //unimportant
o = fgetc(thefile);
h = o; // h = height
o = fgetc(thefile);
b = o; // b = base
o = fgetc(thefile); //tileset - not needed
int l=0,j=0;
char *map[h+b][b+h];
for(i=0; i<((h*b)*2); i++)
if ((i & 1) == 0)
o = fgetc(thefile); //IMPORTANT!! after each byte there is an zero!
// printf("\n");
for(k=0; k<52; k++)
// printf("%s",t_name[k]);
// fprintf(savefile,"%s",t_name[k]);
map[j][l] = t_name[k];
// printf("%s",map[j][l]); //works
else if(k==51)
map[j][l] = "0";
// printf("%s",map[j][l]);
o = fgetc(thefile); //skip odd
int n,m;
return 0;
Free Steam Games
2012 Jan 26 at 02:13 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

Find the Hole II Participation Medal
2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
Happy to help. I should have realised there's an easy way to do it with altering the order of the indices.
2012 Jan 26 at 10:58 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6682
Don't be afraid to use aggregate initialization.

c code
int t_loc[52] = {
0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 1, 2,
32, 1, 3, 60, 39, 1, 90, 90, 16, 226,
167, 167, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56,
57, 58, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 76,
77, 78, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 95, 96, 97,

char *t_name[52] = {
".", "%", ",", "@", "0", "^", "0", "^", "-", "[",
"]", "-", "{", ",", "(", "-", "@", "@", "0", "0",
"0", "0", "i", "e", "f", "g", "h", "o", "j", "l",
"m", "n", "t", "p", "q", "r", "s", "y", "u", "v",
"w", "x", "5", "1", "2", "3", "4", "a", "b", "c",
2012 Jan 29 at 05:50 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
So.... SRAW works for Nintendo?
2012 Feb 14 at 02:48 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
lol no, and seeing how my problem was like more complicated than yours, you shouldn't had to come crying for help here... it's not like I did
Free Steam Games
2012 Feb 14 at 02:56 UTC
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