Hey everyone, recently I successfully made my map, Handball. It's a handball courtyard, with a maximum of 8 players. I want to know If I (the mapper) am responsible for creating the mod. I only have created the enviorment, and made it so players cant weild weapons, or kill eachother. Also, If the mapper is responsible for creating the mod aswell, may someone please tell me how I can get started? thanks :)
2010 Jul 1 at 02:47 UTC
You could go to the AlliedModders community, google them. That's how you'll get started into modding, but it's a bit tricky for beginners. You can request the mod you want though and somebody may create it for you.
2010 Jul 1 at 03:43 UTC
making a mod or some amx program requires some knowledge of c# c++ or aney other language
if you are willing to learn post a truck in our programing section and somebody (e.g Down Rodeo, sprinkels, maybe Mate de Vita) will help you
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 1 at 05:30 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Wait you want a handball mod? Google and you shall find
2010 Jul 1 at 06:48 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
the_cloud_system said: making a mod or some amx program requires some knowledge of c# c++ or aney other language
For amx you need to learn... amxx or as they call it pawn (pronounced porn)
2010 Jul 1 at 06:49 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Jul 1 at 06:49 UTC
Thanks everyone for your reply, I was hoping though someone could create this mod for me. Do you guys think that this mod could possibly get popular? I just had the idea for the map one day, and I created it. I want to know if theres a chance someone would make this mod, and if it would be likely or not for a server to take the mod. Thanks again :) I have a set of rules and how the mod should be made, if anyone wants it.
2010 Jul 1 at 16:10 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
I find it kinda strange that you'd make a map that requires a mod that doesn't even exist. But I'd go check out the site that NsN was talking about. Or do some googling... SRAW sounded like he knows of a mod that already exists (but it seems he has to be a douche about everything, so he's not gonna post a link or anything).
2010 Jul 1 at 16:17 UTC
I'm pretty sure he was thinking off football, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, or soccerjam, because those do exist. But handball? I really don't think that's been done yet.
2010 Jul 1 at 21:22 UTC
there has bin paintball so....
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 1 at 22:07 UTC
Yes paintball as well but that's nothing like handball :P I'd say your best bet is to ask somebody to modify the dodgeball for you.
2010 Jul 1 at 23:08 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
I always wondered why people makes stuff like this... If you wanna paly a basketball game, go play a game thats engine was made to play basketball. Why waste a ton of time making a mod for halflife (a shit game engine), and in the end its gonna be nothing like the actual game, and probably not that fun?
Well, whatever your motivation is, good luck.
2010 Jul 1 at 23:19 UTC
Haha, well, I like the diversity of mods that the game offers. You could spend tons of money on games like nba live, madden, and stuff like that, or you could spend $6 and get them all, and as shitty as the plugins might be it's actually quite fun most of the time, heh.
2010 Jul 1 at 23:29 UTC
i remember football
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Jul 2 at 03:03 UTC
Dog fucker (but in a good way now)

2009 Nov 14 • 2045
Me too, I only weighed like 75 pounds and everyone else was like 150+, and I got fuckin annihilated every practice/game.
...Oh, you're talking about mods...
2010 Jul 2 at 03:29 UTC
Down Rodeo
Cap'n Moth of the Firehouse

2007 Oct 19 • 5486
57,583 ₧
I was about to make a joke then I realised you were talking about "play for a half minute then stop" American football. Eugh.
2010 Jul 2 at 09:41 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
hey dude i got an idea for handball
You could use the soccerjam mod, but make the floor underneath a clip brush, so when the ball falls down, it goes into the enemies team goal, so you get a point, and when it's time to kick-off, the ball starts somewhere infront of one of the teams...
2010 Jul 2 at 12:28 UTC
SRAW said: hey dude i got an idea for handball
You could use the soccerjam mod, but make the floor underneath a clip brush, so when the ball falls down, it goes into the enemies team goal, so you get a point, and when it's time to kick-off, the ball starts somewhere infront of one of the teams...
That's not fucking handball :/
I train handball, and I can assure you, what you're talking about isn't it.
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2010 Jul 2 at 17:52 UTC
— Ed. 2010 Jul 2 at 17:53 UTC
Rocket Man

2007 Nov 6 • 2525
601 ₧
Mate de Vita said: SRAW said: hey dude i got an idea for handball
You could use the soccerjam mod, but make the floor underneath a clip brush, so when the ball falls down, it goes into the enemies team goal, so you get a point, and when it's time to kick-off, the ball starts somewhere infront of one of the teams...
That's not fucking handball :/
I train handball, and I can assure you, what you're talking about isn't it. 
LOL I thought it was volleyball until you said it wasn't, so just use soccerjam mod, cause the guys look like they're throwing the balls anyway...
2010 Jul 3 at 01:45 UTC
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