Metal Gate

Metal Gate

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]

2006 Apr 19 • 180
21 ₧
I have mad myself a metal gate and i want it to be locked, how do i do this. PLUS i also want to be able to shoot through it, but instead it leaves bullets holes on it (un-realistic).
2006 Jun 25 at 18:51 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Locked? You mean like with a padlock you can shoot off? Or a button to unlock it? Or ...?

You have to make it nonsolid for bullets to go through. If you made it a func_door_rotating (or similar) check the Passable flag in its properties.

The problem is then you can WALK through it too.

That is what CLIP is for. Add a CLIP brush to block players. You can tie it into the rest of the gate as part of the same entity, so the CLIP will swing open when the rest of the gate does.

CLIP does not block bullets.
2006 Jun 26 at 00:48 UTC

2006 Apr 19 • 180
21 ₧
well a padlock u can shoot off then
2006 Jun 26 at 00:51 UTC

2005 Mar 21 • 6673
Build the padlock as a func_breakable. Have it target the name of your gate.

Set your gate to Trigger Only (or somethine like that) which makes it so it can only be activated by a trigger event, not by the players directly.
2006 Jun 26 at 01:01 UTC
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