"MAP NAME " not found on the server.....

"MAP NAME " not found on the server.....

Hammer Mapping — Page [1]
2010 Feb 27 • 57
The map compiled successfully but it is telling that

"MAP NAME " not found on the server.....
Guess Who M I??
2010 Mar 3 at 12:45 UTC
Mate de Vita

2008 Oct 4 • 2453
159 ₧
What exactly is your map called?
...and that's the bottom line because Mate de Vita said so.
2010 Mar 3 at 15:20 UTC
2010 Mar 9 • 1
make sure your map is in the Maps file.
2010 Mar 9 at 19:42 UTC
polly pushy pants

2008 Aug 1 • 3081
-6 ₧
I drink to forget but I always remember.
2010 Mar 9 at 23:30 UTC
Page [1]